Bathing the Elderly

There are activities that we perform every day. These daily activities are Bathing the elderlyoften referred to as activities of daily living and include feeding, toileting, dressing, transferring, walking, bathing and grooming. We usually complete these activities without even having to think about it. However, each of these activities can be challenging for the elderly.

How often is too often?

It’s likely that the older adult didn’t take daily baths growing up.  For most people, two to three baths a week is sufficient. The older adult may have decreased activity levels, and therefore require fewer baths. Good hygiene is still important, however. Keeping skin clean prevents odor, urinary tract infections, rashes, skin irritation and skin diseases.

While bathing is not necessary every day, I do recommend washing the face, hands, underarms and groin daily. You can do a sponge bath of these areas while they are sitting on the toilet or lying in bed.

While there is no right answer for all seniors, being prepared is the key to success when it comes to bathing!

Prepare for Resistance

Bathing the elderly is a task that can be difficult and can be made more complicated by dementia. Confusion may cause your parent to think that she has already taken a bath today. Or, she might be resistant to bathing because she is afraid of the water or afraid of falling. For someone with Alzheimer’s dementia, the feeling of water falling on them in the shower can lead to sensory overload.

Embarrassment may also be a factor in resisting bathing. Seniors were raised to be modest. Asking them to take their clothes off in front of us can violate that modesty. We must maintain their dignity during the bathing process. They may be more comfortable and therefore more cooperative with a home health aide bathing them.

Prepare for Safety

The bathroom can be a dangerous place. There are more accidents happening in the bathroom than in any other room in the house. Safety must be a priority. Many older adults have difficulty with vision, so before bathing, check to be sure lighting is adequate.

Using an in-the-tub mat with a suction base can decrease the risk of slipping in the tub. These mats are usually more effective than the non-slip stickers that you can apply to the bottom of the tub. A non-slip area rug beside the tub may be helpful.

The older adult may tire easily, experience shortness of breath, or have difficulty standing when bathing or showering. For this reason, shower chairs or benches are useful devices. A hand-held shower head is helpful for rinsing, especially when seated. Grab bars on the wall, as well as safety handles on the tub, can provide a sense of security and give stability during transferring in and out of the tub or shower.

Prepare for Chaos

As with everything else in life, the bath process may not go according to plans. You might have planned for baths on Monday and Thursday, but it’s Tuesday, and mom woke up wet and needs a bath today. Not every day is a good day – for you or your family member. Be flexible. Save bathing for days when mom is more alert, has more energy, or is more agreeable. She may not want to bathe today, but you might be able to encourage her by having her get ready for a favorite activity. If she likes going out to lunch, tell her she needs to get her bath and get dressed to go out. You may have to be creative. You must be flexible.

Prepare the Environment

The older adult gets chilled easily, so be sure the bathroom is warm before bathing. Turn off the television and leave your cell phone in the other room. Remove any other noise and distractions.

If bathing, you probably only need about two to three inches of water in the tub. The water temperature should not be over about 100 degrees. If the water is too hot, it can burn the skin, but it can also dilate blood vessels, drop blood pressure, and cause dizziness or fainting. They should not stay in the tub more than about 20 minutes because longer than that can cause fatigue and dry skin.

If showering, check water temperature on the inside of your wrist and let them feel water temperature on their hand before allowing the water to wash over the body.

Prepare Supplies

Be sure to gather all the supplies you will need for bathing before getting started. It’s easier if you have the supplies set up in the order that you will need them. You will want a mild liquid soap with moisturizers, a soft washcloth or sponge, towels, and any clothing they will wear. A bath blanket is helpful to prevent chilling after the shower or bath.

Prepare Yourself

As I mentioned above, you want to choose a good day for both of you. Calm yourself before getting started. Think of fun topics to talk about during the bath. The process of bathing will take time. Allow for unanticipated delays. Don’t try to rush; this will only increase the risk of injury and increase the stress level for everyone involved.

Remember that the person with dementia or physical problems is not trying to be difficult, they are sick and are doing the best they can. Try to make the experience a happy one. Offer reassurance. “You’re doing a great job.” Continue to offer encouragement. Doing this will help decrease tension, fear, and embarrassment.

Prepare for Success

It is helpful to start the bathing experience by having them use the toilet before getting into the shower or bath. Doing this allows time to empty their bladder, as well as giving you the chance to remove their clothing while they are sitting down. Use care when transferring into the tub and be ready to give assistance. Assist by holding their weak side if they have one. Have them step into the tub using their strong side.

Allow them to wash as they are able and assist when needed. Explain what you are doing before doing it. Use gentle pressure when washing, don’t scrub. Pay close attention to those hidden areas like skin folds, the area beneath the breasts, tummy folds, and genitals.

Break the job into smaller, simple tasks. Instead of saying “take a bath,” you may need to say “wash your face, wash your arms,” etc. Give simple choices; “Would you like to wear the green dress or the red one?” Give simple instructions. The person with dementia will usually only remember to do the last thing you say. If you give several instructions at the same time, it will only be confusing. Keep it simple.




16 thoughts on “Bathing the Elderly”

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  3. 1. First things first: aren’t getting too preoccupied with pulling an all-nighter.

    “Women are supposed to want hour-long sex,” says relationship and sexuality educator Logan Levkoff. That’s great if that’s that which you want—but if you don’t, that’s okay too, she says. Personally, each time I see a rom-com with a classic post-coital comment like, “Wow didn’t get any sleep last night,” my first thought is: How? Why? Think about chafing? Making sex last for a longer time doesn’t have to mean making it a marathon. “What someone wants—whether it really is shorter or longer—is very individualized and also very contextual based on the relationship and partnership,” Levkoff says. Having a conversation before you go into sex by what each person would like to get free from it—including duration!—is the 1st step, she says. Plus, once you take the pressure off to win gold in the all-night sex Olympics, it might probably naturally go longer—probably because you’re less preoccupied with goalposts and much more focused on enjoying your experience.
    2. Get to know the body.

    If you’re looking to have sexual intercourse all night, there’s no better method to achieve that than to know what your body wants and doesn’t want before you decide to even begin. The ultimate way to accomplish that is by regular masturbation. “Masturbation is so important to determine where your pleasure spots are, everything you like and prefer in sex, plus in general for more information and feel more linked to the human body,” says ethical erotic film director Erika Lust of XConfessions. “Masturbating can raise your sexual satisfaction, improve your arousal response, and improve partnered sex into the same extent since it improves self-confidence. When you know how to stimulate your body for sexual joy, you’re very likely to learn how to demand that from another person with less anxiety and much more agency.”

    Lust is such an advocate for masturbation as a way to having better, longer, and much more empowered sexual encounters, and reaping the positive mental and physical aftereffects of regular masturbation, that her company recently became the initial company in the world to offer employees a 30-minute masturbation break.
    3. Remember, sex is not all about penetration.

    “Sex should never simply be about something being in someone else’s body for a certain time period,” says Levkoff. Translation: Penetration doesn’t have to be the last destination.

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    Jenni Skyler, a sex therapist in the Intimacy Institute in Boulder, Colorado, refers to sexual encounters due to the fact Cheesecake of Pleasure when her patients need help mixing up their routine. Perhaps you begin with a bite of graham cracker crust, next the cheese filling, a bit more graham cracker, some blueberry compote, cheese again—you obtain the idea. (See also Friends episode “The One with Phoebe’s Uterus.” Seven, seven, SEVEN!) Simply put, sample the sexual menu.
    4. Foreplay could be the main event.

    “Women’s sexual response cycle varies from the typical men’s sexual response cycle for the reason that their arousal patterns have a tendency to rise, fall, and plateau before a climax,” says Sari Cooper, an avowed sex therapist and founder and director regarding the Center for Love and Sex in New York City. Take advantage of those fluctuations: “Two women usually takes full advantage by having fun with their partner’s arousal levels through stimulating their more erogenous areas that heighten and increase arousal to a 7 or 8 (out of 10) then focusing on stimulating less erogenous areas to create the arousal right down to a 4 or 5.” consider this sort of foreplay as its own thing, not only the opening act. This kind of play is more realistic for going all night long, Cooper says.
    5. Delay the orgasm.

    When a male partner feels as though he is about to ejaculate, he (or perhaps you) can grab his shaft right below your head and gently squeeze for 5 to 10 seconds. The stress on his urethra and the constriction of blood flow can help repress his orgasm. This kind of tactic is a very common practice for edging, where the goal is halting an orgasm (for men or women) just before climax. “Edging is the friend,” says clinical sexologist Megan Stubbs, Ed.D. and composer of Playing Without a Partner. “It enables you to not merely prolong your sex session, but have more intense orgasms.” It’s that build-up of coming so close to climax, then having it taken away, which takes all orgasms one step further. And you don’t need to just take action once; you are able to practice edging multiple times throughout your sex session.
    6. Realize it’s concerning the journey, definitely not the end result.

    While we’re probably all in agreement that orgasms are fantastic, great sex is more about the journey on the way than reaching orgasm. “For individuals with performance anxiety, it is possible to use the pressure off yourself—and your partner—if you appear at your sexual adventure as pleasure-based rather than orgasm-based,” says Stubbs. Having control over any impending anxiety provides you with the opportunity to do have more control over sex sessions, so that it’s much easier to prolong them.
    7. Hold a Sexy Q&A.

    Talking counts as foreplay, too. In reality, Levkoff recommends it: “There are so many great conversations that take place as soon as we’re planning to be intimate,” she says. Try a sexy Q&A to truly get you both in the best mindset before you decide to even touch one another. Levkoff recommends beginning with the basic principles: do you know the items that turn you on visually? Your go-to masturbation fantasy? The initial movie or book you remember feeling fired up by? The trunk and forth may be “really fun and exciting,” in addition to slowing along the tempo from ripping your clothes off to making eye contact and listening—a totally new layer to connection.
    8. Try new positions.

    If so when you will do ultimately go after penetration, do not stick to just one position from beginning to an all-too-soon end. “Switching positions and trying several types of stimulation can offer continued arousal but maybe not to the stage of orgasm,” says Laurence A. Levine, a urologist and the chief medical officer of Promescent, maker of an FDA-approved topical spray that will help men go longer. If you typically take longer to achieve orgasm than a male partner, this assists him pump the breaks even though you benefit from the slow build.
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    Not only are you able to prolong a sex session by switching up positions, however, if you stay glued to “low-impact sex positions, like missionary position,” says Stubbs, you possibly can make the experience last for a longer time. As an example, doggy style is high on the feeling spectral range of sex positions and this is why it can lead to not merely premature ejaculation from a partner with a penis, but an extremely speedy climax on the end. Taking these kind of sex positions out from the equation is likely to make an impact.
    9. Be good to your body.

    How you treat the body can dramatically impact your capability to enjoy a fantastic long session in bed. Regular physical exercise promotes better blood circulation (for ladies and men), Levine says. “Both of you will feel healthier, and you will get the bonus endorphins and stamina to combine into the couple time.” Quitting smoking and limiting drinking will help improve stamina—especially for males. “a wholesome vascular system is really important if a person wants to have a trusted and strong erection,” Levine says. “Smoking does nothing but slow the two of you down.” A drink or two is okay, but remember: Alcohol is a depressant; imbibe an excessive amount of, and it will impact your sexual appetite.
    10. Prioritize sex.

    With your hectic lives, sometimes we want to have intercourse, but just don’t have it in us so it can have our all. Simple tips to go longer in bed without getting tired? Prioritize or plan your sexcapade. “Planning sex might not sound sexy or spontaneous, however if you reframe the building up to event, you can make it fun,” says Stubbs. Having it from the calendar and knowing ahead of time which you as well as your partner will need a night of sexual bliss ahead of time can help alleviate getting tired too quickly. You’re aroused through the day and also something to appear forward to. “If you don’t prioritize sex, and do it after an extended day of work, you could be setting yourself up for failure,” says Stubbs. Possible sexual dysfunction may be avoided if both the human body and head are well-rested and 100% in the game.
    11. Explore unchartered territories.

    We have it: Sunrise yoga, 9-to-5 job, cocktails with friends, and catching up on season four of this Handmaid’s Tale all in time to get a complete night’s sleep takes energy and dedication. But so does the quest to keep going longer in bed. Along with making time for sex, also make that time about trying new stuff. “Most people leave way too short amount of time for a juicy exploratory encounter,” says Cooper. She recommends stimulating new places on your partner’s body and experimenting with varying degrees of pressure—both things that want time and intention. Using toys to tease while exploring those new areas can also help extend those sex sessions.
    12. Use a condom.

    Not merely are condoms vital for preventing STIs, they can also help you create sex last longer. For most guys, a condom decreases penis sensitivity—the thicker the condom, the less he will feel therefore the longer it will take him to orgasm. Condoms can be found in many different thicknesses, ranging from 0.05 millimeters to 1 millimeter. If you are searching for a thick condom to reduce sensation, try Lifestyles Extra Strength. (Never, however, double up on condoms. This is certainly a recipe for condom slippage and tearing.)
    13. Strengthen your pelvic floor.

    Kegel exercises—basically squeezing your pelvic floor muscles as you would to avoid peeing midstream—can help heighten your arousal. The stronger your pelvic floor muscles, the stronger your orgasm. Men may do their own version of Kegels. “studies also show that Kegel exercises will help men enhance the strength of these erection and help with premature ejaculation,” says Levine.
    14. Cheer yourself on.

    You’ve been going at it for one hour. The hair on your head has not been more tangled, all your valuable mascara has somehow left your eyelashes and flaked on to your cheeks, plus the lacy bra you so carefully picked out is merely a heap on the floor. How can you carry on as soon as your pre-coital look has clearly fallen apart but you’re not exactly willing to give up? Do only a little mental cheerleading with yourself. Take the time to test in with your body regardless how it might probably look and don’t forget: you were sexy before and you’ll be sexy after. In fact, right now, you’re doing great—mascara flakes and all sorts of!
    15. Take a breather.

    Remember when Michael Scott ate a complete plate of fettuccine Alfredo to organize for a race? Don’t do this. Do, however, take water breaks—or cuddle/massage/chat/shower breaks during sex. Intimacy and sensuality mean lots of various things to different people. “Maybe that is explicit sexual acts or maybe not,” says Levkoff. A shower, for example, does not have to mean sex is over—it could be an integral part of the ongoing sexual experience, a steamy break before orgasm number two.
    16. Make it into a casino game.

    As Levkoff points out, sex is not just penetration. There are so many items that are categorized as the tier of sex that to limit your notion of sex as just penetration, would be to miss out on a lot. If you would like make sex last for a longer time, Stubbs suggests which makes it into a game title. Whether or not it’s a game title you came up with on your own or something you get at a sex toy store, there are a great number of different and creative how to prolong sex if you see the larger picture. A deck of cards, flipping through the Kama Sutra for ideas, sex-related board games, or DTF dice are typical things that can reduce the action and stave off the ending even longer.
    17. Fantasize about it following the action is finished.

    Who says Sunday’s romp can’t be Tuesday’s fantasy? In this manner, that certain time she surprised you with a new move won’t just be exciting into the moment, but also for weeks in the future (no pun intended).

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    Однако в связи с тем, что на рынке присутствуют автостёкла низкого качества, необходимо делать выбор в пользу известного производителя [url=]стекло на машину [/url]
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    Салон автомобиля защищается от грязи и производственного мусора с помощью полиэтиленовых чехлов [url=]автостёкла [/url]
    Это обязательная процедура перед началом работ установки автостекла [url=]лобовые стекла москва [/url]
    Производится демонтаж поврежденного стекла [url=]Купить Лобовое Стекло [/url]
    Новое автостекло подготавливается перед нанесением полиуретанового герметика [url=]автостёкла [/url]
    После удаления с кузова остатков старого герметика производится нанесение защитного покрытия – праймера [url=]купить лобовое стекло [/url]

    Купить оригинальное лобовое стекло не всегда является самым выгодным вложением [url=]автостекол [/url]
    Чтобы соблюсти равенство цена-качество советуем рассмотреть и аналоговые варианты, которые будут максимально соответствовать высокому уровню качества, сопоставимым с оригиналом [url=]замена стекол [/url]

  5. Мы подберем оптимальное по соотношению цена / качество / производительность и надежность оборудование как российского, так и импортного производства и укомплектуем станки любым инструментом [url=]компрессор для [/url]

    Оплата заказов клиентами – юридическими лицами возможна только по безналичному расчёту [url=]точильный станок [/url]
    Чтобы получить счет на оплату – свяжитесь с нашими менеджерами по телефону, электронной почте или оформите заказ через корзину [url=]Камера Сушильная [/url]
    Указанная на сайте стоимость товара включает в себя НДС [url=]купить котельную [/url]

    Заготовка укладывается на стол, удерживаясь в одном и том же положении с помощью направляющей и закладки [url=]компрессоры воздушные 220в [/url]
    Последняя регулирует оптимальное расстояние, чтобы распил был сделан точно в том месте, которое нужно [url=]купить точильный станок [/url]
    Заготовку распиливает диск, работающий от электрического двигателя, находящегося в корпусе станка [url=]купить компрессор воздушный [/url]

    Токарные станки по дереву Токарные станки по дереву предназначены для обработки цилиндрических, фасонных, конусных поверхностей из твердых и мягких пород дерева [url=]наждак [/url]
    Копировальное устройство позволяет изготавливать большое количество одинаковых деталей [url=]станок деревообрабатывающий [/url]
    Токарные станки по дереву находят широкое применение в условиях индивидуального и мелкосерийного производства, в модельных и столярных мастерских, а также в строительстве [url=]точильный станок [/url]

    Настольный аппарат представляет собой компактное устройство с ограниченным функционалом и малой производительностью [url=]электрический воздушный компрессор [/url]
    Такие устройства применяются для оснащения домашних мастерских [url=]заточный станок купить [/url]
    Оборудование такого типа может быть закреплено на столе или верстаке посредством встроенной струбцины [url=]купить точильный станок [/url]

    Цилиндрические изделия из дерева распространены во всех сферах быта [url=]точила электрические [/url]
    Это могут быть рукояти для инструмента, балясины под перилами, детали для мебели, ручки дверей [url=]точило электрическое [/url]
    На строительных рынках и в хозяйственных магазинах можно подобрать любую заготовку, которые, как правило, делаются на токарном станке по дереву [url=]купить электрический компрессор [/url]
    Содержание 1 Делаем токарный станок по дереву своими руками 1 [url=]станок по дереву [/url]
    1 Станина токарного станка по дереву 1 [url=]точильный [/url]
    2 Подручник токарного станка 1 [url=]оборудование котельной [/url]
    3 Привод станка 1 [url=]аспирации [/url]
    4 Задняя бабка станка 2 Станок начального уровня Если вы покупаете комплект для лестницы на второй этаж вашего частного дома – сумма может стать неподъемной даже для владельца загородной недвижимости [url=]точильный [/url]
    Все знают, что дерево – самый простой в обработке материал [url=]компрессоры воздушные [/url]
    С помощью топора, ножовки, и наждачной бумаги, можно сделать все что угодно [url=]Заточный Станок Купить [/url]
    За исключением деталей круглой формы [url=]оборудование для котельной [/url]
    Именно такие практичные украшения сделанные из дерева продаются дороже всего [url=]точила электрические [/url]
    Чтобы производить их в мало-мальски большом количестве – нужен настольный токарный станок [url=]компрессоры [/url]
    И снова встает вопрос стоимости (готовые станки в ассортименте представлены в магазинах) [url=]компрессор [/url]
    Глядя на фото, любой домашний мастер задумается, а что сложного в конструкции? И будет абсолютно прав [url=]Купить Компрессор Воздушный 220в [/url]
    Деревообрабатывающий станок можно и нужно сделать своими руками [url=]оборудование для котельных [/url]
    Конструкция его достаточно простая [url=]станок деревообрабатывающий [/url]
    Заготовка закрепляется вдоль оси вращения [url=]аппарат окрасочный [/url]
    К одному из упоров подается крутящий момент [url=]точило купить [/url]
    Изделие вращается, и его можно обрабатывать любым режущим или шлифующим инструментом [url=]аспирация это [/url]
    Пример простой конструкции токарного станка по дереву, который можно собрать своими руками за пару дней видео Короткие заготовки малого диаметра, вообще можно зажимать одним концом в патроне ручной дрели (предварительно ее закрепив), и обтачивать до нужной формы [url=]оборудование котельной [/url]
    Кстати о дрели – с ее помощью легко изготовить токарный станок малой мощности [url=]заточной станок купить [/url]
    Еще в старых журналах [url=]купить деревообрабатывающие станки [/url]
    Заготовка должна вращаться на вас (и соответственно на режущую кромку инструмента) Перед началом обработки резцами, необходимо придать заготовке форму, приближенную к цилиндрической (разумеется, по возможности) [url=]инструмент режущий [/url]
    Для этого можно использовать рашпиль, прижимая его плоскостью Резец безопаснее прижимать к заготовке не под прямым, а под острым углом [url=]покрасочная камера [/url]
    Затем, по мере придания формы, не отрывая от поверхности, выводить угол на прямой Не надо стараться получить гладкую поверхность с помощью режущего инструмента [url=]купить в москве компрессор [/url]
    Шлифовка производится наждачной бумагой [url=]режущий инструмент [/url]
    Только не забудьте одеть рукавицы – от трения можно обжечь руки Твердые породы дерева обрабатываются на высоких скоростях, мягкие на малых оборотах [url=]сушильные камеры [/url]
    Станок начального уровня Если рассмотренная конструкция слишком сложная – вернемся к варианту, как сделать токарный станок по дереву из дрели или шуруповерта [url=]компрессор воздушный электрический 220в [/url]
    Разумеется, элементы художественной отделки на таком оборудовании не выточить [url=]станки заточные [/url]
    Но изготовить ручку для напильника или сковороды – запросто [url=]теплогенераторы [/url]
    Достаточно закрепить дрель на ровном основании с помощью зажима для шейки инструмента [url=]аспирация это [/url]
    А напротив, строго соосно, установить заднюю бабку [url=]сушильные камеры [/url]
    Разумеется, незачем стремиться к эстетическому идеалу, как на эскизе [url=]Камера Сушильная [/url]
    Главное – чтобы конструкция получилась прочной и удобной [url=]режущий инструмент [/url]
    И наконец, главный бонус – дрелью по прежнему можно будет пользоваться по назначению [url=]купить станок точильный [/url]
    Делаем своими руками токарный станок по дереву из дрели, советы и рекомендации по изготовлению [url=]что такое аспирация [/url]

  6. я занимаюсь серфингом в Интернете более 3 часов сегодня, но я так и не нашел ни одной интересной статьи, подобной вашей. Это вполне достаточно для меня. Лично , если все владельцы веб-сайтов и блоггеры будут создавать хороший контент, как это сделали вы, интернет будет намного больше полезнее, чем когда-либо прежде.Я не мог удержаться комментариев. Исключительно хорошо написано! я буду немедленно схватить ваш rss-канал, поскольку я не могу найти ваш email подписка ссылка или услуга электронная рассылка новостей. Есть ли у вас есть какие-нибудь? Любезно позвольте мне распознать для того, чтобы я может подписаться. Спасибо.
    Это подходящее время, чтобы строить какие-то планы на будущее, и это время быть счастливым. я прочитал этот пост, и если бы я мог, я бы хотел предложить вам некоторые интересные вещи или предложения . Возможно вы могли бы написать следующие статьи, ссылающиеся на эту статью. Я желаю прочитать еще больше об этом!
    Это лучшее время, чтобы составить несколько планы на долгосрочную перспективу и это время быть счастливым. У меня есть прочитал это разместить и если я мог Я хочу рекомендовать вам несколько интересные проблемы или советы. Возможно вы можете написать следующие статьи относящиеся к этой статьи. Я хочу читать еще больше вещи о этом!|
    Я занимаюсь просмотром онлайн более 3 часа в эти дни, пока Я ни в коем случае не находил ни одной интересной статьи, подобной вашей. Это красиво стоит достаточно для меня. На мой взгляд , если бы все владельцы веб-сайтов и блоггеры сделали отличный контент-материал, как вы сделали , интернет может быть намного больше полезно, чем когда-либо прежде.|
    Ага, это хорошо беседа по теме этой сообщения в этом месте на этом блог, я прочитал все это, поэтому сейчас я также комментирую в этом месте.|
    Я уверен, что эта сообщение затронула весь Интернет людей , это действительно действительно хорошо сообщение о создании нового веб-сайт.|
    Вау, эта пост хорошая , моя младшая сестра анализирует такие вещи, таким образом я собираюсь рассказать /сообщить ей.|
    добавлено в закладки!!, я люблю ваш веб-сайт !|
    Очень круто! Некоторые очень действительные баллы! Я ценю, что вы пишете это сообщение плюс остальная часть сайт очень хорош.|
    Привет, я действительно думаю это отлично блог . Я наткнулся на это 😉 я собираюсь вернуться еще раз с тех пор, как я отметил книгу это. Деньги и свобода это лучший способ измениться, пусть вы будете богатыми и продолжайте направлять других.|
    Вау! Я действительно люблю в шаблоне /теме этого блога. Это просто, но эффективно. Часто бывает сложно добиться этого “идеального баланса” между превосходным удобством использования и внешним видом . Я должен сказать что вы проделали потрясающую работу с этим. В дополнение блог загружается супер быстро для меня в Safari. Выдающийся Блог!|
    Это действительно замечательные идеи в касающиеся ведения блога. Вы коснулись некоторых приятных моментов здесь. В любом случае продолжайте корчиться.|
    Мне нравится то, что вы, ребята, склонны тоже делаете. Такого рода умная работа и разоблачение! Продолжайте отмечать превосходные работы, ребята, я включил вас, ребята, в наш блог.|
    Привет! Кто-то в моей группе Myspace поделился с нами этим веб-сайтом, поэтому я пришел, чтобы взглянуть на него . Я определенно люблю этой информацией. Я отмечаю книги и буду писать об этом в твиттере своим подписчикам! Замечательный блог и отличный дизайн и стиль.|
    Всем нравится то, что вы, ребята, обычно тоже делаете. Такого рода умная работа и освещение! Продолжайте отмечать фантастические работы, ребята, я включил вас, ребята, в мой блог.|
    Привет не могли бы вы указать , с какой платформой блога вы используете? Я ищу начать свой собственный блог скоро, но у меня трудное время принятие решения между BlogEngine / WordPress / B2evolution и Drupal. Причина, по которой я спрашиваю, заключается в том, что ваш дизайн кажется отличным от большинства блогов, и я ищу что-то совершенно уникальное . P.S Извинения за то, что отвлекся от темы, но я должен был спросить!|
    Привет не могли бы вы сообщить мне, какой веб-хост вы используете? Я загрузил ваш блог в 3 совершенно разных интернет-браузерах , и я должен сказать, что этот блог загружается намного быстрее, чем большинство. Можете ли вы порекомендовать хорошего провайдера веб-хостинга по честной цене? Похвала, я ценю это!|
    Мне нравится это когда люди собираются вместе и делятся мнениями. Отлично сайт, продолжайте хорошую работу !|
    Спасибо вам за хороший отзыв. Это на самом деле было забавным рассказом об этом. Посмотрите вперед, чтобы больше добавилось приятного от вас! Однако, как можем мы общаться?|
    Привет просто хотел быстро предупредить вас. Кажется, что текст в вашем содержимом исчезают с экрана в Safari. Я не уверен, является ли это проблемой format или как-то связано с совместимостью web browser , но я подумал Я бы отправил сообщение, чтобы вы знали. Однако макет выглядят великолепно! Надеюсь, вы скоро получите проблема решена . Похвала|
    Это тема которая близка моему сердцу… Наилучшие пожелания/Береги себя! Где ваши контактные данные, хотя?|
    Очень без усилий найти любую тему в интернете по сравнению с книгами , поскольку я нашел эту сообщение на этом веб-сайт.|
    Есть ли у вашего сайта страница контактов? У меня трудное время с поиском его, но я хотел бы отправить вам электронное письмо. У меня есть несколько предложений для вашего блога, которые вам, возможно, будет интересно услышать. В любом случае, отличный веб-сайт , и я с нетерпением жду его расширения с течением времени.|
    Привет! Я следил за вашим веб-сайтом в течение некоторое время и, наконец, набрался храбрости , чтобы пойти дальше и крикнуть вам от Huffman Техас! Просто хотел сказать вам продолжайте в том же духе отличная работа !

    рассчитать стоимость кухни по размерам
    кухни москва и московская
    купить кухню в москве от производителя распродажа

  7. مراقبت از بیمار بعد ترخیص از
    همراه بیمار نباید در روند درمان بیمار و دستورات پزشک دخالت کند و درمان را
    با اختلال مواجه کند. همراه بیمار
    بر اساس توصیه های پزشک و پرستار برخی از
    امور مراقبتی را برای بیمار انجام می دهد.
    اگر بیمار به چیزی احتیاج داشت درصورتی که با دستور پزشک مغایرتی نداشته
    باشد ان ها را انجام دهد.
    در زمان خواب بیمار به هوشیاری و توجه بیشتری نیاز دارد که مراقب باید
    به این نکته توجه کند و در
    زمان خواب بیمار را تنها رها نکند.
    عمل به توصیه های پزشک و انتقال آن به اطرافیان بیمار و
    همراهی بیمار تا لحظه ترخیص
    و بعد از آن به عهده همراه
    و مراقب بیمار است.
    اما تمام تلاش خود را بکار می گیریم تا فردی کاری
    بلد و دلسوز را برای همراه بودن با عزیزمان در بیمارستان استخدام کنیم.
    قبل از اقدام به استخدام پرستار ساعاتی
    را خود حتما برای ارزیابی عملکرد و فعالیت پرستار بیمار
    در نظر گرفته و در منزل حضور داشته
    باشید. مراکز و موسسات معتبر با تحقیقات کامل بیابید و خدمات آنها را با یکدیگر
    مقایسه کنید. با توجه به اینکه احتمال تغییر در وضعیت سلامتی بیمار در طول شبانه روز وجود دارد ترجیحا از مراکزی که خدمات شبانه روزی ارائه می دهند استفاده نمائید.

    در منزل برای مراقبت و نگهداری از بیمار در منزل
    وی حضور پیدا می کند. اجرای دستوراتی مانند تحرک بیمار، زمان جابجایی بیمار و زمان
    مصرف داروها بر اساس اصول
    مراقبتی را می توان با کمک همراه
    بیمار انجام داد.
    شک نکنید آسانیسم در تمامی شرایط پشتیبان شما است چرا که رضایت شما، سلامتی و بهبودی بیمارتان برای
    ما و پرسنل ما در اولویت قرار دارد.
    برای استفاده از سرویس پرستار
    بیمار در بیمارستان یا منزل قبل از هر اقدامی باید به دنبال بهترین و معتبرترین
    مراکز ارائه دهنده این خدمت
    باشید. آسانیسم یکی از معتبرترین و مجرب ترین پلتفرم های خدمات پرستاری در منزل است
    که با موسسات خدمات پرستاری-مراقبتی معتبری همکاری دارد و سرویس های متنوعی مانند
    همراه بیمار در بیمارستان یا منزل و
    اعزام آمبولانس خصوصی را ارائه می دهد.
    مراقب بیماریاپرستار بیماربه کسی
    میگویند که مجموعه ای ازخدمات مراقبتی و پزشکیرا انجام می دهد.
    آیا نمی دانید چه کاری قرار است انجام دهند؟ در ادامه
    می توانید پس از مطالعه و بررسی ازمرکز پرستاری ناجیاقدام
    بهدرخواست مراقب بیمار یا پرستار بیمار در منزلکنید.

    از جمله ی تلاش هایی که در این زمینه صورت گرفته
    است توجه به فضا و محیط اطراف بیماران است.
    در منزل باعث راهی بسیار مقرون به صرفه و همراه
    با آرامش و آسایش برای خانواده ها می باشد.

    که عموما اعضای خانوداه به دلیل نداشتن
    تخصص لازم قادر به انجام این امر نیستند.
    به طور کلی گاهی ممکن است پرستار در بیمارستان با انواع رفتارهای بیمار مواجه باشد.
    که در مرحله اول همگی پرستار
    را عامل این رفتارهای بیمار می دانند.

    همراه بیمار در بیمارستان به شخصی گفته می
    شود که وظیفه دارد در بیمارستان و در
    طول درمان بیمار در بیمارستان از هر
    لحاظی از بیمار مراقبت و نگهداری کند.
    این شخص باید همه ی کار های مربوط به مراقبت و نگهداری بیمار
    را تا زمان مرخص شدن از بیمارستان انجام دهد او باید تمامی کار های لازم
    برای مرخص شدن بیمار را هم انجام دهد.
    اگر همراه بیمار در بیمارستان مقداری در مورد
    مسائل درمانی و پزشکی هم سر رشته داشته باشد می تواند در روند پرستاری و
    همراهی بیمار موفق تر عمل کند. همراه بیمار می تواند یکی
    از اطرافیان بیمار باشد که باید با برخی از اصول اولیه مراقبت از بیمار
    آشنا باشد و با برقراری ارتباط مناسب با بیمار او را مجبور به انجام توصیه
    های پزشکی کند. [newline]برای این کار همراه بیمار
    باید با دقت به توصیه های پزشک
    گوش دهد تا بتواند همه آن ها را با دقت انجام دهد.
    در واقع پرستار ها در کار های مراقبتی و درمانی بیمار،
    بهترین راه حل های ممکن را به کار می گیرد و تا
    بهبودی کامل بیمار او را همراهی می
    کنند. اما برای انجام کار هایی
    مثل قطع سرم، پاشویه کردن، همراهی بیمار برای انجام کار
    های بهداشتی وظایفی هستند که نیازی
    به حضور پرستار نیست و بهتر است که همراه بیمار در بیمارستان این کار ها را به بهترین نحو انجام
    مراقبت های پرستاری شامل ارزیابی علائم حیاتی
    ، تزریقات ، انواع پانسمان، کنترل عفونت و
    … می باشد. برای این که بتوان بیمار را آرام کرد می توان از جملاتی همچون (
    حق با شماست) ، ( شما را درک می کنم )
    ، ( حق می دهم که ناراحت باشید) استفاده کرد.
    یکی از راه های دیگر برای آرام کردن بیمار این است که در حین
    صحبت کردن به ایشان راه کار بدهید و طوری رفتار کنید که بیمار به
    شما اعتماد کند و اطمینان پیدا کند که پرستار در رابطه با حل مشکلات وی
    در تلاش است بدین ترتیب می توان بیمار را آرام کرد.

    همراه بیماردر نقش خود حرفه‌ای است و وظایف خود را به خوبی انجام می‌دهد.
    و بارها کاری را که شما شاید قرار است
    برای اولین بار انجام دهید انجام داده است.
    به همین جهت بهتر است از موسسات و
    مراکز خدمات پرستاری معتبر کمک بگیرید و علاوه بر دریافت
    خدمت با کیفیت، از مشکلات احتمالی جلوگیری کنید.
    آسانیسم به عنوان پلتفرم معتبر خدمات پرستاری در منزل آماده خدمت رسانی به شما عزیزان است.
    همراه بیمار باید به موقع وضعیت غیرعادی بیمار را
    جهت رسیدگی به پرستاران و دکتر بیمار اطلاع رسانی کند.

    به همین دلیل در چنین شرایطی وجود یک مراقب آموزش دیده که بر اصول مراقبتی واقف بوده و تمام زمان خود
    را به مراقبت از بیمار اختصاص می دهد بسیار کمک کننده خواهد بود.

    در حال حاضر مشغله های کاری زمان کافی برای کم به
    اعضای خانواده را به افراد نمی دهد.
    در صورتی که یکی از عزیزانمان باید به مدت طولانی در بیمارستان تحت نظر قرار گیرد اطرافیان نمی توانند در تمام طول مدت بستری او را همراهی کنند از این
    رو نیاز به استفاده از خدمات همراه بیمار خواهند داشت.
    متخصص مراقبت از بیمار در بیمارستان
    با داشتن تخصص کافی در رابطه با نحوه
    برنامه های مراقبت، ارزیابی نیازهای فردی بیمار می تواند در
    زندگی بیمار تغییراتی را ایجاد کند که ممکن است
    علاوه بر همراهی بیمار به عنوان همدم بیمار نیز شناخته شود.
    روحیه و اخلاق پرستار، با انرژی بودن وی می تواند
    در بهبود روحیه بیمار بسیار مهم باشد.

    همیاران محترم، بیمار را با هماهنگی فردی که سفارش را در
    سامانه هوم سرویز ثبت کرده است تحویل خواهند گرفت و پس
    از انجام امور مربوطه با هماهنگی ایشان
    در مکان مورد نظر تحویل خواهند داد.

    در صورت نیاز به انجام سایر خدمات و یا شرایط خاص مشتری
    لطفا پس از تماس همیاران جزئیات شرایط را به ایشان اطلاع رسانی نمایید.
    بیشتر بستگی به شرایط بیمار داره اما بصورت میانگین هر 48
    ساعت جایگزین می شوند. اگر پرستار شیف اجازه دهد همراه می تواند داروهای بیمار را به او بدهد.

  8. فوت فتیش

    بونوئل تمایل دارد به کاراکترهایش
    به عنوان موجوداتی که قادر هستند هم خوب و هم شیطانی
    باشند، رنگ دهد. با این وجود،
    نازاریو یک نمونه است (از بین موارد معدود) که در آن عیب‌های کاراکترهای اصلی بیشتر همدلی‌برانگیز
    است تا تحقیرآمیز. فداکاری و تقوا
    سبب بدبختی نازاریو می‌شود، و متأسفانه پیروان او
    افرادی خودخواه هستند که در درجه اول نیازهای
    خود را بالاتر از بقیه می‌دانند.

    دو سرگردان به نام‌های پیر (با بازی
    پل فرانکر) و ژان (با بازی لورن ترزیف)، راهی یک سفر زیارتی از پاریس به سانتیاگو د کمپوستلا می‌شوند.
    این دو مرد خودشان را در فضا و زمان گم می‌کنند و با فاحشه‌ها، کودکان بدنام، راهبه‌های مصلوب و یک عیسی عمل‌گرا (کسی که در جستجوی اصلاحات خوب است)
    روبرو می‌شوند.
    پارافیلی یک علاقه غیر معمول، شدید و دائمی به
    فعالیت‌ها یا اشیایی است که به صورت
    معمول غیر جنسی محسوب می‌شوند. پارافیلی نیز زمانی که سبب ایجاد ضرر، نقص و یا آسیب در
    افراد شود تبدیل به اختلال خواهد
    شد. [newline]این فیلم حملات تندی به
    دین نشان می‌دهد؛ از جمله تقلید ضعیفی از «آخرین شام»،
    «ویریدیانا» با لمس صرف هر چیز فالیکی و بازی با کارت «سه‌راهی» که کاراکترهای اصلی را شامل می‌شود، از حال
    می‌رود. با وجود این‌که این فیلم برنده جایزه نخل طلای جشنواره
    کن شد، واتیکان آن را به خاطر مضامین کفرآمیز و عناصر خرابکارانه‌اش محکوم کرد.

    با وجود این که این گونه تمایلات در ابتدا زندگی خود را بروز می‌دهند، اما نشانه‌های آن ممکن است در طول زندگی فرد
    بروز و ظهورهای کم و یا زیاد داشته باشند.
    اختلال‌های فتیش‌‌گونه معمولا همراه با اختلال‌های مارافیلیایی یا فعالیت‌های شدید جنسی همراه
    هستند. اختلال‌های فتیش‌گونه تقریبا به صورت
    انحصاری در مردان دیده می‌شوند.

    ۱۳۰ نفر از بیماران مبتلا به کووید۱۹ در بخش های
    مراقبت های ویژه بیمارستانها تحت مراقبت
    قرار دارند. مشاوره ماندگار برگرفته از آرمان ها و
    اهداف ایده آل در ایفای مشاوره‌ی حرفه ‌ای در زمینه
    های مختلف با سال ها تجربه در کنار شما عزیزان است، تا بهترین خدمات را به شما ارائه دهد.
    امکان دارد کودک در زمان
    ۵ یا ۶ سالگی به کفش مادر یا خواهر تمایل پیدا کند
    تنش‌های جنسی و نژادی بین این
    سه نفر بالا می‌گیرد و منجر به نزاع بین میلر و تراور می‌شود.

    2022 کلیه حقوق مادی و معنوی این وب سایت به دکتر داوود نجفی توانا تعلق دارد و استفاده
    از مطالب آن در امور پژوهشی و مقالات
    علمی و نیز درج در جراید و رسانه ها با
    ذکر منبع بلا مانع می باشد. ولی استفاده از مطالب این سایت در وبلاگها و سایت هایی که جنبه تبلیغاتی دارد حتی با ذکر منبع، ممنوع می باشد.
    از آن‌جایی که پاها پایین‌ترین بخش از بدن هستند، افراد سلطه‌جو از توجه‌شدن به پاهایشان لذت می‌برند.
    در این حالت حس برتری فرد و تحقیر طرف مقابل به حداکثر خود
    می‌رسد و به صورت کلی برای فرد سلطه‌جو لذت‌بخش است.
    از دیروز تا امروز ۴ آبان ۱۴۰۱ و بر اساس معیارهای قطعی تشخیصی، ۱۷۰ بیمار جدید مبتلا به کووید۱۹ در کشور شناسایی و ۳۸ نفر
    از آنها بستری شدند.
    در حالی که پلیس تلاش می‌کند، بفهمد چرا
    این گروه در عمارت به دام افتاده است (پلیس به دلیل نیروی نامرئی
    قادر به ورود به این عمارت نیست) این گروه تلاش می‌کند راهی برای ترک زندان عجیب‌وغریب خود بیابد.
    از همان سکانس آغازینش از پا، تا تصویر ذهنی فرانسیسکو از کلیسایی که همه به او می‌خندند، «ال» یک شاهکار
    در بین فیلم‌های سایکوسکچوال است.
    این فیلم به طرز درخشانی مفاهیم بحران‌های مرد و پارانویا را به تصویر می‌کشد؛
    مردی را نشان می‌دهد که در وسواس‌های هذیان خود گم
    شده است. ژاک لاکان «ال» را در سخنرانی‌های معروف خود
    گنجانید و از این فیلم به عنوان ابزاری برای توضیح ایده‌های نظری خود استفاده کرد.
    فیلم براساس اصول ژانری بازی می‌کند و پرتره‌ای از تمدن
    “وارونه” خلق می‌کند که در
    طول زمان از دست رفته است. در یک نقطه، بونوئل حتی با فیلم‌برداری از یک بز خارج از
    کوه، پا را فراتر از مرزهای یک مستند وفادار می‌گذارد و با نمایش این صحنه “اثبات” می‌کند که این منطقه کوهستانی
    خطرناک است.
    این فیلمی است که آشکارا روانشناسی فرویدی را در بر
    می‌گیرد، در حالی که هم‌زمان
    با اصول/ انتظارات عمومی بازی می‌کند.
    این فیلم همچنین دارای فتیش پا نیز هست؛ یکی از علاقه‌مندی‌های کلیدی که به بونوئل در نفوذ و فروپاشاندن
    نخبگان برتر کمک می‌کرد. در یک کشور بی‌نام آمریکای
    لاتین، گروهی از ناسازگاران اجتماعی (از جمله یک فاحشه و یک کشیش، فقط برای نام بردن چند نفر) برای فرار از یک قیام سیاسی به جنگل می‌گریزند.
    آن‌ها که در جستجوی راهی برای نجات هستند، در شرایط جدیدی قرار می‌گیرند
    که توانایی آن‌ها را برای زنده ماندن در زمین
    خطرناک، آزمایش می‌کند. سوسانا (با بازی روزیتا کوئینتانا)
    به درگاه خداوند دعا می‌کند تا به او کمک کند، بر
    شهوت سیری‌ناپذیر خود غلبه کند.
    به طور اعجاب‌انگیزی، پنجره ندامتگاه او شکسته می‌شود و سوسانا به یک مزرعه در همان حوالی می‌گریزد.

  9. انجام سونوگرافی در منزل
    سونوگرافی داپلر برای تشخیص انسداد
    عروق، سرعت جریان خون در رگ و شریان­های بدن و یا لختگی آن استفاده
    می­شود. سونوگرافی کبد به منظور ارزیابی
    کبد و شبکه عروق خونی آن (در قسمت ورودی، داخلی
    و تحتانی کبد) انجام می‌شود.
    بررسی کبد از طریق سونوگرافی می‌تواند به پزشکان در تشخیص بیماری و بررسی روند درمان
    مشکلات و بیماری‌های مختلف
    مرتبط با کبد مانند کبد چرب کمک
    کند. برای بیمارانی که نیاز به گرفتن سونوگرافی دارند دیگر لازم نیست
    ساعت ها در صف انتظار بیمارستان ها یا کلینیک
    ها منتظر بمانند فقط کافی است که با ما تماس بگیرید تا هماهنگی های لازم برای اعزام پزشکان متخصص جهت انجام سونوگرافی در منزل انجام شود.
    در این راستا، استارتاپ پزشکی و مراقبتی هوم ویزیت،
    امکان دسترسی به بهترین خدمات سونوگرافی در منزل را برای شما عزیزان مقدور کرده است.

    شما می توانید جهت اطلاع از هزینه های
    سونوگرافی در منزل اپلیکیشن پالسی
    نو را از گول پلی و یا کافه بازار و یا مایکت نصب کنید
    و یا میتوانید به سایت پالسی نو به نشانی مراجه کرده
    و درخواست خود را ثبت کنید.(قابل ذکر است نسخه ایفون در دست ساخت میباشد).
    پلتفرم پالسی نو تمامی خدمات در منزل
    را به صورت یک جا ارائه می دهد و با توجه به نیاز
    خود می توانید از امکانات آن استفاده
    نمایید. یکی از خدمات مرکز پرستاری در
    منزل پارسه شیراز ، خدمات سونوگرافی در منزل می باشد که توسط پزشک متخصص رادیولوژی در منزل انجام می شود .

    از جمله مناطق دریافت کننده خدمات سونوگرافی
    در منزل تهران شهر رودهن می باشد.

    مرکز شبانه روزی ما آماده ارسال سونوگرافی در خانه تهران به پردیس می باشد.

    معمولاً ریپورت و گزارش سونوگرافی همانجا تحویل بیمار داده میشود تا سریع به پزشک خود ارجاع نماید.
    اهالی اندرزگو می توانند در صورت نیاز در هر ساعت از شبانه روز خدمات سونوگرافی در خانه شمال تهران
    را با کیفیت عالی دریافت کنند.
    سونوگرافی در منزل شمال تهران برای مردم ساکن دزاشیب با مجرب ترین تکنسین ها و مدرن ترین تجهیزات قابل دریافت است.

    ‎انجام سونوگرافی در زنان باردار، کمک می کند تا تعداد، جنسیت، سن و محل
    جنین مشخص شود. پزشک می تواند از طریق تصاویر سونوگرافی، وضعیت جنین را به طور کامل بررسی کند و در صورت نواقص و
    ناهنجاری های تولد، فرایند های درمانی لازم را انجام
    دهد. ‎شما می توانید جهت دریافت خدمات سونوگرافی
    در منزل، در شهر تهران و سایر نقاط کشور، طبق مراحل زیر عمل کنید.
    بسیاری از افراد ترجیح می دهند در هنگام ابتلا به
    بیماری، فرایند های درمانی خود را در منزل انجام دهند.

    با این وجود رفتن به مراکز درمانی و
    دغدغه رسیدن به آزمایشگاه ها در هیچ نقطه از تهران طرفدار ندارد.
    رادیولوژی در منزل شهرک غرب و سعادت آباد در تمامی ساعات
    شبانه روز در تمام نقاط در کنار شما خواهد بود.
    سونوگرافی در منزل تهران برای ساکنان آبسرد با
    بهترین کیفیت و در اسرع وقت مهیا
    شده است.، اگر اهالی آبعلی قصد استفاده
    از سونوگرافی در خانه تهران را دارند از طریق موسسه ما اقدام
    کنند.متخصصان حاذق ما آماده ارائه خدمات سونوگرافی در منزل تهران در منطقه
    فشم هستند. بیماران ساکن درمنطقه کیلان نگران
    دریافت سونوگرافی در خانه تهران نباشد آنرا از ما بخواهند.
    از جمله مناطق هدف موسسک کیان
    برای ارائه خدمات سونوگرافی در منزل تهران شهر اندیشه
    می باشد.
    سازوکار سونوگرافی داپلر
    نیز همانند سونوگرافی معمولی بر
    ارسال امواج فراصوت مبتنی است.
    با این تفاوت که در اینجا برای تصویربرداری، از پدیده فیزیکی مختص امواج صوتی
    و الکترومغناطیسی به نام اثر داپلر یا دوپلر استفاده می
    شود. با استفاده از سونوگرافی داپلر می توان به مواردی مثل انسداد عروق، انواع لختگی، میزان و سرعت جریان
    خون در شریان ها پی برد. ‎در حال حاضر، موسسه آنی طب، خدمات
    سونوگرافی و سایر خدمات پزشکی و پیراپزشکی را در تمامی نقاط کشور، به بیماران ارائه می دهد.
    شما می توانید به صورت شبانه روزی، در هر منطقه
    از ایران، برای دریافت خدمات
    سونوگرافی در منزل روی ما حساب کنید.
    پزشک معالجتان در مواردی ممکن است آزمایش را
    تجدید کند یا تکنیک تصویربرداری دیگری را درخواست نماید.

    با این حال در صورتی که بیمار نیاز به دریافت نتیجه برای
    ارائه به پزشک خود داشته باشد یک نسخه از تصاویر ضبط شده در دستگاه به صورت دو
    بعدی یا سه بعدی در اختیار وی قرار می گیرد.
    مرکز خدمات پرستاری در منزل آبادیس این خدمت را برای
    بیمار شما فراهم نموده تا در آسودگی خاطر
    و آرامش در منزل خودتان از این خدمت بهره مند شوید.در صورت داشتن درخواست و مشاوره رایگان
    میتوانید با کارشناسان مرکز پرستاریآبادیس تماس حاصلبفرمایید.
    ما میتوانیم هر نوع خدمات
    سنوگرافی در منزل را برای شما فراهم نماییم تا با خیالی
    راحت و بدون انتقال بیمارتان به مراکز تصویر برداری،سونوگرافی در منزل را تجربه کنید.
    سونوگرافی هیچ ناراحتی و دردی برای بیمار ندارد و در زمان انجام تصویربرداری بیمار هیچ
    احساس ناخوشایندی نمی کند.
    سونوگرافی به دستور پزشک تجویز می شود و
    وسیله بسیار خوبی برای تشخیص مشکلاتی مانند تاندون ها، رباط ها، عضلات، و
    … می باشد. بدن انسان از بافت های
    مختلف و زیادی تشکیل شده است که در سونوگرافی بافت
    های نرم اندام دیده می شود.

    باتوجه به شیوع ویروس کرونا و وجود
    عفونت های بیمارستانی که
    مقاوم ترین عفونت ها به آنتی بیوتیک
    میباشند لازم است در مورد افرادی که خطر
    عفونت و ابتلا به بیماریهای عفونی را دارند جانب
    احتیاط را رعایت نمود و خدمات درمانی مورد نیاز بیمار را
    در منزل انجام داد. یکی از خدمات تشخیصی در حیطه درمان
    که دارای اهمیت ویژه ای می باشد
    گرفتن سونوگرافی هستش که به پزشک اطمینان خاطر می دهد که آیا تشخیص او درست بوده است یا خیر و گاهی نیز برای تشخیص نهایی لازم
    است که سونوگرافی گرفته شود
    در غیر اینصورت پزشک قادر به شناسایی دقیق بیماری نمی باشند.
    لذا گرفتن سونوگرافی هم کار بی خطری هست و هم
    این که مثل رادیولوژی اثرات سوئی
    ندارد چون دارای اشعه ایکس نمی باشد.
    بهتر است پیش از انجام سونوگرافی در منزل یا مراکز
    درمانی به میزان کافی آب بخورید، چرا که
    مثانه پر آب میتواند به دریافت نتیجه دقیق تر از آزمایش منجر شود.
    سونوگرافی برای تشخیص بیماری های مختلفی به کار
    میرود و به همین دلیل معمولا سونوگرافی اعضای مهم
    بدن نیز در چکاپ های سالانه قرار میگیرد.
    از طرفی دیگر ممکن است بنا به دردی
    که بیمار در زمان مراجعه به پزشک شرح میدهد، سونوگرافی اعضای بدن تجویز شود.

  10. بهترین متخصص زنان و زایمان در تهران
    بنابراین بهترین متخصص زنان با رفتاری خوش و ملایم، آرامش از
    دست رفته بیمار را بازیابی و با صداقت
    کامل ایشان را راهنمایی می‌کند.
    سایتهای اینترنتی مختلفی سعی در معرفی بهترین متخصص ها خصوصا در
    زمینه زنان و زایمان دارند. اغلب این سایتها معتبر بوده و اطلاعات خوبی را هم در زمینه پزشکی به شما
    می دهند و هم پزشکان خوبی را معرفی می کنند.
    اما نکته ای که نباید فراموش
    کنید این است که ارتباطات اینترنتی هرگز جای مراجعه حضوری به پزشک را نمی گیرد.
    بنابراین با جستجو در اینترنت سعی نکنید برای خود نسخه دارویی تهیه کرده
    و استفاده کنید.
    از لیست تخصص‌های دکتردکتر، «زنان، زایمان و نازایی» را انتخاب کنید.
    بعد از تعیین شهر، وارد پروفایل
    پزشکان شده و اطلاعات آن‌ها را مشاهده کنید.
    امتیاز هر پزشک و نظرات مراجعه‌کنندگان را بخوانید و بهترین پزشک زنان
    را انتخاب کنید. توجه به توضیحات و شرح حال مراجعه‌کننده نقش مهمی در اثربخشی درمان دارد.

    دکتر نگین محبوب جراح و متخصص زنان،زایمان و نازایی و جراح زیبایی زنان، مسلط به انجام عمل
    های زیبایی و ترمیمی زنان با دستگاه
    لیزر مونالیزا است. دکتر محبوب
    با استفاده از تجارب بسیاری که
    در زمینه درمان نازایی و IUI دارند، از سوی
    افراد بسیار زیادی به عنوان پزشکی حاذق و
    حتی بهترین متخصص زنان و زایمان در
    تهران شناخته می شود. از جمله
    دیگر خدماتی که دکتر نگین محبوب در سطحی بسیار مطلوب و ایده آل
    و قابل اطمینان ارائه می دهند می توان به
    مراقبت های بارداری و انجام عمل سزارین اشاره کرد.
    همه بانوان در طول زندگی خود به یک متخصص
    زنان زایمان نیاز دارند و همواره میخواهند بدانند بهترین متخصص زنان
    زایمان کیست. برخی از بانوان نیز به دنبال درمان نازایی هستند که باید در این زمینه بهترین
    دکتر زنان و زایمان را پیدا کنند.

    همچنین اگر به دنبال بهترین دکتر برای جراحی لابیاپلاستی یا جراحی زیبایی زنان هستید نیز می توانید جواب سوال خود را در این مقاله پیدا کنید.

    این تغییرات می‌تواند شامل تکمیل رحم و غدد تخمدان در هنگام بلوغ باشد.
    پس از اتمام دوره تخصص و اخذ مدرک بورد تخصصی زنان به مدت ۳ سال در
    چابهار مشغول به خدمت رسانی به مردم عزیز
    کشورمان بودند. احتمالاً شما هم به عنوان یک خانم با
    واژه “فیبروم رحم” یا “میوما” آشنا باشید و این کلمه به گوشتان خورده باشد.
    اما آیا با علائم فیبروم های رحمی آشنایی دارید؟
    آیا راهی برای درمان آن وجود دارد؟ بهترین…
    استفاده از زوپ همانند مشاوره تلفنی هرگز جایگزین مراجعه حضوری به پزشک و معاینه فیزیکی نمی گردد و
    صرفاً به عنوان ابزار مکمل ویزیت حضوری
    جهت ارتقاء کیفیت تجربه درمان و
    آگاهی جامعه می باشد. زگیل تناسلی یکی از شایع ترین بیماری هایی است که افراد زیادی را
    درگیر خود کرده است.
    تاسیس مریضخانه نسوان توسط دکتر امیر
    اعلم و استخدام پزشکان خارجی که در زمینه مامایی و انواع
    بیماری های زنان تخصص داشتند.
    در این مطلب لیست متخصص زنان
    و زایمان در محله پیروزی و نواحی اطراف
    را گردآوری کرده ایم. درد و بیماری های
    التهابی مرتبط با لگن نیز
    در حیطه تخصص متخصص زنان قرار دارد.
    بیماری های خوش خیم مربوط به دستگاه تناسلی نظیر زخم واژن ، کیست
    تخمدان و سایر تغییراتی که غیر سرطانی هستند.

    متخصص زنان برای درمان مشکلات مرتبط با
    بارداری و حاملگی نیز آموزش های ضروری را سپری
    نموده است. بنابراین متخصص زنان
    باید در ابتدا با مشاوره بیمار و پس
    از معاینه وی و بررسی نتیجه آزمایشات ، مشکل بیمار
    را شناسایی نماید تا به این ترتیب بتواند روند
    درمان را پیش بگیرد.
    کیست تخمدان از تشکیل یک یا چند
    کیست غیر طبیعی در تخمدان تشکیل می شود که این کیست ها در تخمدان ها و یا روی آن ها رشد
    می کند. اگر دچار علائمی مانند تکرر ادرار،
    تهوع و استفراغ، درد در هنگام آمیزش جنسی، نامنظم شدن پریود ها و یا سنگین شدن دوره قاعدگی، ضعف
    و سرگیجه و التهاب و تورم شکم شده اید حتما برای چک و بررسی
    کیست تخمدان به یک دکتر زنان مراجعه
    کنید. دکتر سعیده اسدی، متخصص زنان و زایمان و فلوشیپ زیبایی زنان در شرق تهران
    هستم. تمام تلاش من و همکارانم، جلب رضایت و
    ایجاد ارزشمندی برای شماست.

    جراحی زیبایی کلیتوریس یا هودکتومی، یکی
    از عمل های زیبایی زنان است، که خواسته های آن
    ها در رابطه با زیبا سازی ناحیه تناسلی و
    همچنین عملکرد بهتر در رسیدن به ارگاسم طی رابطه ی جنسی را پاسخ داده است.

    این عمل توسط جراحان متخصص زیبایی زنان
    انجام می‌گیرد و عملی با سرعت
    پزشکی به عنوان بهترین پزشک زنان و
    زایمان، شناخته خواهد شد که فضایی را فراهم آورد تا بیمار با آرامش کامل و
    بدون خجالت کشیدن یا پنهان کاری مشکلاتش را بیان کند.
    دردها و عفونت های زنانه در ناحیه رحم، واژن، تخمدان
    ها و پستان ها در پی علت های مختلفی بروز پیدا
    می کنند و در تمامی این موارد بررسی علت
    این مشکلات از سوی پزشک معالج برای آغاز
    درمان، امری گریزناپذیر است. سندروم تخمدان پلی کیستیک از اختلالات شایع میان بانوان است که
    با علائمی مانند اختلال تخمک گذاری، تستوسترون بالا، ظاهر تخمدان در سونوگرافی خود
    را نشان خواهد داد.
    یکی از مهم ترین روش های پیدا کردن یک متخصص زنان خوب، پرس و جو از دوستان و آشنایان است.

    آشنایی که از مراجعه به یک پزشک نتیجه خوبی
    کسب کرده باشد می تواند راهنمای خوبی باشد.
    تمامی راه های دارویی که برای درمان خشکی واژن
    بیان شد باید حتما تحت نظر پزشک تجویز شود و مصرف خودسرانه آن برای افراد، اثرات جبران ناپذیری را ممکن است به همراه داشته باشد.

    متخصصین زنان با عنوان کامل دکتر زنان، زایمان و نازایی شناخته می‌شوند.

    دکتر زنان، زایمان و نازایی مسئولیت تشخیص، مراقبت و درمان قاعدگی‌های نامنظم و
    دردناک، کیست‌های تخمدان
    و رحم، آندومتریوز، افتادگی رحم، افتادگی مثانه، عفونت‌های واژن، بیماری‌های
    تناسلی، اختلالات هورمونی، یائسگی و…
    همه بانوان از نیازشان به دکتر زنان باخبر هستند و در دوره های مختلفی مجبورند
    ، تحت نظر متخصص زنان قرار بگیرند.

    در طول مراجعه به متخصص زنان چند معاینه مهم
    وجود دارد که توسط پزشک متخصص زنان و
    زایمان انجام می شود. بانوان در سنین 45 تا 50 سالگی دچار یائسگی می شوند که ممکن است با چالش ها و عوارض مختلفی روبرو شوند.
    برای پیشگیری و کاهش این عوارض بهتر
    است به طور منظم به متخصص زنان مراجعه کرده و تحت آزمایش هایی مانند ماموگرافی و
    پاپ اسمیر، برای حفظ سلامت خود قرار بگیرند.

    یکی از مشکلاتی که برخی از زوجین درگیر
    آن هستند، ناباروری می باشد.
    ناباروری ممکن است عوامل متعدد و مختلفی داشته باشد مانند، دلایل
    ارثی و ژنتیکی، مشکلات و بیماری
    های ناحیه تناسلی، سن و بسیاری از دلایل دیگر.

  11. Yeah, it sound lovely here. Dogma and orthodoxy should be required to justify itself more often. moved to an island off B.C. Canada. Seniors now, we have no regrets, going on 50 yrs!! Also saw your Ft. William pic on the wall. I was born in Ft. William, Ontario, a proud McLean member.[Our pipers beat the Scottish band from F.W. many years ago. My unc was pipe major. Much gloating!! Love to you both and pet Jack for us. Maggie[ Ian’s wife XO]|I wish I could aford skylink. Even though I live near a very heavily populated area, with fiber not available in my area (street block), my best download is 6.0 and upload 7k-1.0 and I tell ya folks, if I could afrod this, I would.|Where is your introduction theme song, please don’t bin it. Looking forward to the next verses. Now your up and running, its your song associated with coming up adventures. love your channel.|Wow! Impressive technology. Truly informative article. Glad y’all are getting settled into your new life in Skye ♥️|Well done Starlink, and you two|The second time I do a speed check I always get a slower speed|Great news guys! I was very nervous for you and the setup. About 5 years ago when I was looking at remote scottish properties the broadband internet connection was the biggest concern and off put. But with this it puts any location within reach, love your views out the window and the pup randomly appearing!|Do watch those winds, in Kendram we often see things flying away off to the outer isles, make sure we belt and brace anything that the wind may like to play with|was it you guys had a gadget in loft non lethal mouse deterrent thingy what was it where can i get one plz HELP LOL|That Starlink is obviously working, haha|Do you pay for the satellite disc and router and a monthly fee? Or just the one time purchase of disc and router?|Thank you for this article. Eye opening as out coal fire Broadband here in South Devon is awful with speeds as bad as Skye whenever i test. Sadly price will prevent us upgrading to Starlink. I’ll have to take the laptop out for a coffee and use their fast fibre once a week.|Thanks for sharing. We are moving to a remote location on the west coast in the coming weeks. Re-assured by your article. Could you let me know what the costs are – as some have said it is very expensive per month.|I am so glad your Starlink worked for you. It is wonderful to have a good service provider and stay connected to the rest of the world as you choose. Happy 2023.|Good , look forward to the next article.❤️|Could put up a bird-feeder or two – suet hardens now, seeds the thing. If the dog wouldn’t object too much!|One of my neighbours has Starlink, just too far from the exchange for usable broadband, they have been happy with it… I’m lucky to be nearer the exchange and get nearly 40meg download…. Not bad for a wee bothy in rural Aberdeenshire |Won’t last long ! The first proper wind that comes someone on Harris will have it in their garden , seriously you guys haven’t seen bad gales yet ! Everyday is a school day ! Good luck from NW Skye|Wow, that’s a faster speed than many people in urban areas get if they’re stuck with ADSL. What’s the latency like – can you do article calls or is there too much lag for that?|So happy it worked! x|Aiden on @BuildingAcerView went for Starlink a while back and seems to be very happy with it. He was even recently interviewed by a foreign language TV station about it. Aiden learned the hard way that they can and do get blown around/over when not secured!|It’s so good that the Starlink worked for you. I have no mobile signal where I live in Devon, unless I hang out of my upstairs window, or walk up the lane! So at least I have a landline telephone, and the internet, but the speed is very slow as you can imagine! xxx|Great news for you and also for all of us that it’s working so well for you. You were getting better download speeds than I get here in a major Australian city |How amazing to be able to get your Wi-Fi from the satellites spinning around up there. So happy it’s working for you. I’m really enjoying watching your journey ❤️|You got over double the speed of my central london home. Good job!|Great news, loving your articles|So interesting. You’re getting better speeds than I do and I’m in the middle of the UK. Thanks for this. I’m loving your Channel.|So glad it’s working for you guys, another problem solved. Take care and thank you for sharing your review ❤️|Good that it is working out for you. Being out in isolated areas, it is good to find something that can work out there. Thanks for the info on it as I will be living off the grid soon and may need something like this.|So glad Starlink is working for you! You’ve made the transition to a remote life look so easy and appealing! I hope you continue to enjoy this new life. Cutie Jack Spaniel seems to love it…the tail never stops wagging!|Nice that Starlink is being good to you keep up the great work on your new home |Shoot some article of that happening. I seriously doubt your naked eye claim.|well done guys, you made it look easy. if you have spare cable at the router end, i think if you curl it up into a circle about 4inch dia and simply tape it together, it may stop static interference been picked up on the cable outside, which could create noise and reduce satellite signal strength. cheers : from nz.|God bless technology eh? Glad it is working for you! |Don’t you have a lawn mower ?? Grass is a bit long hey ?????|Excellent! So glad it worked. I just discovered your channel and I would miss it.|Congratulations On connecting with STARLINK|I just purchased one to as I am on a small island called Gabriola bc canada|So glad the Starlink worked for you guys. It’s a lifeline to so many people! My wife and I visited Scotland (and Skye) right before the pandemic. We are planning to return in 2023.|Do you use a satellite for TV channels?|Congratulations !!! I’m glad it works for you ! Happy New Year !|Well, by Jove! I guess I’m off to the most remote part of the West of Ireland now, no excuses. Starlink was the “missing link”.|Actually van life people are loving starlink .I watch them all on YouTube and they all say its there life line|Dream academy. Life in a northern town|Is starlike expensive|Great to see Starlink up and running and filling an important role in your life, it’s a fantastic lifeline for many people around the world, lots of people give Elon a hard time (some in these comments) because he speaks honestly is different people see him as an east target? He donate X amount to Ukraine when the war broke out, he also donated 50 starlinks to Tonga when they were hit by an earthquake in 2022, they kept them until an underwater broadband cable was repair, but again that went unreported by main stream media. Loving the content |Thanks good info|Nice to see latency is 30ms … good speed too … comparable to our 4G in the Borders your latency a bit quicker … good to know it works …|Is it an unlimited amount of data? All the satellites we’ve looked at have data limits and that is not something I want to have to monitor. We use our cellphones, but it’s really expensive.|Congratulations! I follow several sailing u-tubers and they have been very satisfied, as have I!|That is impressive to be fair, there are a few full-time van lifers scattered around the world who swear by it. I’ve half tempted myself because I’ve been parked up for days and days in the middle of nowhere with no radio, telephone, or internet signal. Something to think about here.|so happy for you! Jack Spaniels is just SO SO HAPPY |Seems very good internet because articles are great!!|YAY! How fortuitous!!! Otherwise ALL of your faithful viewers are SCREWED! I’m happy I don’t need to break out tissues |This is fantastic news so happy it works for you … even the price of £75 is not that bad considering how much some pay for landlines and internet etc …landlines are becoming obsolete in 2025 so we just switched to Internet only n had the landline ripped out works perfect |Congratulations on the Internet!!|yay it works xxx|My brother Scott works for the,” Outdoor Channel. ” he’s been producer for most his life. We are Americans though. Sorry about that. But, all of us distant cousins are related to eminem. Isn’t that funny? Lose yourself. From the soundtrack and movie 8 mile.|I didn’t mention my older brother Scott is named after my paternal grandma. June Scott- Hays. I give too much info. Autism runs in our family.|Great that you’re internet is working it’s not always easy to get signal in Skye. Hope you guys are settling in well we are seemingly getting a good wind coming in this weekend . Stay safe and take care ♥️|So happy you have internet access, for you…and for me! Love, love the last shot of those snowy mountains.|I’ve got mine up on an old scaffolding pole, with a cut out for the cable. So far it survived Skye’s weather over the last year but never got to test it in 90mph winds last January which almost took my garage roof off, but will be paying a close eye on the dish tomorrow night when there’s a bit of storm blowing in!|I met Elon Musk last year.|Why don’t you approach them? They may be interested in using you….|Thank you for sharing your journey in a beautiful country…it seems your all by yourselves up there! Amazing views and i hope your explorations are fun and safe when the weather permits….Sarah your artwork is amazing, hope you are doing well and thanks again, greeting you from California USA…..|The price rules it out for me. I’m waiting on my current contract ending and then I’ll be going to Three mobile at £20/month which gives me 6 x my current speed.|that is better than where i live in york city centre|Great gear Guys. So glad you are ”plugged in” now! That shot of the mountains at the end was amazing. Coming up on 23K subs is brilliant. Roll on the 50K!! All the very best, John.|My satellite dish only stops working when we get dumped on with snow. Strangely, the winds haven’t bothered it. We’ve had two or three blasts of 60-90 mph winds, but it’s protected by the house. Snow and ice are the downfalls.|Thanks for posting this – our friends live in Braes (near Portree) and their internet is useless, so I’ll let them know this might be an option.|Wow! Could this be used on a camper in an of grid situation? As long as it’s removed before driving the camper?|Very glad positive results for you. It’s mostly about location, obstruction and elevation aimed at satellites. Descent internet with a few cut outs is far better than no internet. Great to see you and Jack handsome as ever. Take care|how much is it per month ? looks great|You are never Screwed we are here for you and Love you!!!!|Lots of vanlifers use it on their van. VANCITYVANLIFE has one|So not attaching to the roof, is this the permanent location for the unit? Yay for fast internet!|Great article and really enjoying the channel. I’m so conflicted with Starlink, it’s a necessary service for sure but I’m grumpy because as a photographer the satellites really mess up astro photography haha! One thing I’ve noticed in your vids, across the different channels is probably a better need for audio, check out the dji microphone kit, you get 2 wireless mics so you each can be hooked up nice and clear and don’t need to worry so much about wind |Good question. I guess it could, provided it has stable power to it?|Sadly, no option for that where we are.|Yes, it is a bit pricey. We have no other option though, so we must pay for it.|@Living The Skye Life Brilliant, every time I’ve heard the song, I imagined your next victorious verses.|Hi there, thanks that’s really kind. We didn’t include it on this one because it’s more of a tech article, rather than adventures. Don’t worry – it isn’t going anywhere. In fact, I’m writing a full length version right now! |Yeah, often the case. I tend to do 3 just to make sure, but it doesn’t seem to affect the performance on the wifi, no matter what the speed tests say. Hopefully it’ll remain this way.|@Living The Skye Life range do em identical.. i found em ta utube seems t be 50/50 as to wether they really work. we will see .|Hi, I don’t have a link for it as I’m not sure they make them now. However, it just works on sounds. There are several on the market that do the same thing. Also, not sure if it’s effective, as you don’t get any evidence to say if it works or not. Just a generic electronic vermin deterrent.|@Living The Skye Life got a link for the one in vid? is it effective?|Yes – it makes a sound that they can’t stand. There are battery operated ones and ones you plug into the mains. There’s a fair amount of them over on eBay. |Hi – it’s £500 (one off) for the equipment and £75 per month. Not cheap, but it’s our only option in this area.|Sounds like a good plan – far worse ways to spend your time! At one point we were thinking we would have to sit in the local pub until our articles uploaded…probably a good thing we don’t have to do that |No problem. Glad we could reassure – that’s the reason we made it. It isn’t cheap. £500 one off payment for the equipment, then £75 per month for the service. It isn’t ludicrous, but not the cheapest. It does work though, which for us is the main thing.|Hey, yes we have one at the back of the cottage. We watch it whilst eating breakfast – great entertainment!|@Living The Skye Life |Oh – thanks for the heads up! I’ve just stuck 2 first class stamps and our address on the back of it. That was a close one!|The latency isn’t noticeable at all. We regularly have zoom and facetime chats, totally solid signal.|Totally! We are too. |Well, at least you know it’s out there, should you decide to use it. It definitely changed the game for us! |Indeed! It was a tense few weeks before it arrived and worked! We’re hearing that a lot about the speeds – it’s pretty fast! Hopefully it stays that way! |We do. It’s just not here yet. We had to leave some of our stuff in storage. It’s winter, so the grass was this long when we arrived. Will cut it in early spring.|Yes – there was a satellite dish installed on the house by the previous owner. We get Freesat channels here |Yes – there’s even a more portable version of the dish for people who travel. Must be very popular for van-lifers!|It’s not cheap! There’s an initial outlay to purchase the equipment and then it’s £75 a month. More than most broadband deals, but slightly less than we were paying in Fife for a fibre broadband and tv package |@Living The Skye Life just seen your previous answer to another comment about the pricing. £75 a month which is fair enough to have connection. |@Living The Skye Life do you pay a monthly subscription as well as the initial purchase?|Definitely worth considering. It wasn’t our first choice for internet, but it was the only one that worked. I think they do a smaller dish for people who travel.|Us too! And thanks. One of my favourite drone shots so far. Not far from the cottage too!|Yeah, you’ll no thave an issue with it once it is well secured. The only downside is that the power consumption can be quite high, as much as 100w plus when using the full bandwidth, eg, speedtests etc. I have a backup 4G that automatically used as backup in case Starlink fails, and it never used it. Enjoy the fast internet!|So you’ve had it a year? That’s reassuring! I hope the next storm doesn’t damage it (or ours!). |We’re not trying to advertise the company – this is for the others that could be worried, as we were. It totally saved the day for us.|Yeah, we initially got the EE 4G router and we’re told that we were near a mast… the part they neglected to tell us was the mast isn’t working (and hasn’t for some time). Definitely better with what we have now. We did have an issue with one courier company on something Sarah ordered, but they mailed it Royal Mail – there’s no issue with them.|@Living The Skye Life BT (my current provider) offered to switch me to EE4G but when I looked at it the download speed was only 11Mb for over £30/month. My new neighbours are on the 3 system and let me try it out. 30Mb unlimited for less than my current contract with BT that gives me 7Mb so yeah, the EE offering is awful and Starlink is a way better option. Have you had any issues with buying stuff over the internet so far? Heard stories about folks on Skye getting charged up to £50 extra delivery to ‘cover ferry costs’. Bit strange since you’ve now got a bridge…|Yes, it is pricey. Trouble is we don’t have 3 mobile here. And EE 4G is awful! It’s the only option here too. Had to go with Starlink – there was literally no other option.|Yes, us too when we lived in a town. It does fluctuate, but still is very high, even at its lowest fluctuations.|Thanks John. That is the Cuillin Ridge. That was shot on one of Jack’s walks! Crazy, I know! And thanks! We’re so pleased with the reception we’re receiving on this channel! Willie |Yes, I’ve heard about this. Crazily though, the Starlink dish actually heats up slightly to stop the snow sticking to it!|Thanks for letting us know. We’re not interested in further lining anyone’s pockets… this is purely to help folk in a similar situation. We were quite anxious before we got this.|Yes – so long as you have mains power – 240 volts here in the UK. It’s very portable.|@Living The Skye Lifeou are indeed fortunate with having a successful connection. It isn’t just luck. This effort by Starlink is unparalleled regardless of the extreme happy people or extreme annoyed. Rural internet in the US is a significant problem largely solved by Starlink. City dwellers will mock and abuse the success of Starlink, but the truth is your reception is massively better than ours in the US. But I’m a rural viewer and understand the challenges we face and will always be happy you have a fantastic connection! Congratulations When it doesn’t work, it is because you are in a yet to be active cell of the satellite constellation. Starlink has been very open about their rollout.|All true. We haven’t had any cut outs yet, so we’re quite lucky! And thanks – you take care too |@Living The Skye Life ah yes that is awesome, im in orkney isle and only have 2 lol very sporadic in countryside lol|Yes it’s without a phone line, but it supports flawless wifi calls on both our mobile phones, so it’s fine for us.|@Living The Skye Life i pay about £60 for broadband and phoneline with calls weekend so not too bad at £75 but is that without phone line etc?|It’s £75 per month, so fairly pricey, but it works, so not complaining.|No, we’re having it fitted professionally. It was just there temporarily. And yeah!|I miss the intro|Thanks. Fascinating.|This is fascinating! I’d heard of Tim Berners-Lee, Arpanet, TCP/IP, etc, but I honestly thought this was going to be about Ted Nelson and his Xanadu project. Well, except for the “Belgium” part.|Super interesting topic, I’m surprised this isn’t something that is more known considering how much setup happened here for later electronic systems. (Also appreciate the appropriate Avenue Q at 3:20)|”Why you’ think the net was born ? POR..” .. God damn song in the background making it hard to focus x’DDD|It’s sad how the genius quite perhaps on the autistic spectrum, always gets done over, unappreciated by others. I’m reading Sandi Toksvig’s book ‘Between the Stops’ and she talks about Paul Otlet and the Mundaneum. It’s on p157. It’ll probably appear on QI if it hasn’t already. The next most interesting thing was how to correctly pronounce ‘Mons’. This should not be underrated either since it appears on WW1 memorials everywhere.|Your parallel with Wikipedia is flawed: you say the cards were written by experts in the subjects…..|Merci beaucoup Tim.|Love the Rick Roll haha|Fantastic article Tim! I think this may be my favourite one yet|I always laugh when narrating Tim makes a joke and starts yelling to someone away from the microphone. I like to think it’s a cat lol|Another excellent article|Excellent nod to the Internet episode of the IT Crowd with the piano theme music at the beginning |:facepalm: We were taught in school in late 90s how the concept for internet was singlehandedly invented by US military. Then later they let CERN and universities play with it.|This was a fascinating article, thank you for taking us to these amazing places!|The rubber industry must’ve been really powerful back then, to be allowed to simply shut down half the Internet, and just to hold a fair. (since it’s YouTube: this is a joke)|Huh kinda weird to recognise so many places in this article, even though I’ve heard _nothing_ about it.|wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|Really nice of windsurf to credit Belgium for the idea|so, Vint Cerf looks a LOT like Otlet. Are we just letting that go?|That’s amazing, glad you enjoyed our city! By the way, when was this article filmed?|So this was like if I was able to put r self into the computer and the internet. Or at least that is the feel I get.|I’d say he invented more the idea of the world wide web than the internet in general|Belgium is a small, yet great country that did great things. The problem with the Belgians is that they are too modest; they never brag about their inventions. There is so much more about Belgium than its chocolates, waffles and fries! …|Couldn’t resist the obvious pun…so the internet would have been pretty mundane with Belgian influence ha|I’m confused about the goals of the “Mundaneum.” Isn’t this what the Library of Congress has been doing for the past 200 years? The Library of Congress has now become the largest and most prestigious holder of information known to man, with the world’s largest collection of books and other repositories of information–135 million pieces and counting. This it has done with the complete financial backing of the richest government in the world–the U.S. Congress.|I remember as a kid in the school playground (in the 1960s) imagining that I had a magic source of knowledge where I could pull out information on any subject at a moment’s notice. I had visualised something more like this filing cabinet than the PC and internet though! A small-scale fictional precursor of this was the set of notebooks that Sherlock Holmes kept on all people and events of interest to him.|Having a masters degree in telecommunications and mass media, I found this episode to be among your best ever.|Oh ! My hometown !|If only Paul Otlet’s dream _did_ come true. The US National Archives and the Library of Congress and many other institutions have failed to digitize and make available a vast majority of their information. What we largely have on the Internet (and WWW) is the blatherings of news and views and smut produced from the 1980s onward. You still have to visit a real library and look at real books to do any real work on historical knowledge. Yeah, if you work in data processing or finance, you’re ok, but not for any meaningful historical topics.|Ahh. There’s nothing like a strong snaps and a good book burning.|It would be funny if in drawer 404 there was just a single card that said “information not found”|Oh, this is just amazing. This guy was a visionaire.|Bonsoir Merci pour ce voyage ! |I thought Al Gore invented the internet|Thanks for sharing such a great piece of information… :)|Mons |Imagine getting rickrolled this discretely.|0:23 genius use of the IT Crowd theme|wow.. I had no idea about this.. I know of the history of the internet, but had no idea of the “Grandfather” of the internet.. this was very cool. Thanks for this history lesson.|3:33 Brilliantly subtle choice of background music :)|so… and intranet? also i have never loved something more than i love the idea of zettelkasten!|One of your best|The music in this article is just brilliant!|Tim I just wanna say I love the audio design of your articles. I always try and recognise the songs and listen for jokes. And the content is really good!|I’m so upset that the belgians didn’t invent the internet… Just imagine. A world without lootboxes.|3:14 I hear that song in the background. Love it XD can’t believe I haven’t seen anyone comment on it (from the ones I glanced through)|The smell of my elementary school library’s card catalog just came to mind.|Those Nazis sound like they were not too nice.|Everyone knows Al Gore invented the internet right after he’s discovered the existence of man-bear-pig|This article is a godsend, the content fits so well in my topic for a school project! thank you very much for the inspiration|Hey Tim, a big thank you for covering these stories. Your other Belgian history articles thought so much about my country, I hope your visits have been fun to you personally, merci à toi no rap section intermission Pain.|There is no better person to cover this song than Nanawo Akari|i LOVE nanawo akari !!!|平成アニメのオープニング感あってすこ|Yooo I wasn’t expecting this. It’s definitely the perfect song for Akari to cover!|歌い方がホント \ (/o^) Daisuke ( / / く デ→レレレレーーーwwwwwデ→レレレレーーーwwwデレレレデレレレレーーーwwwデ↓レ↑ッテ↑テレ↓レ↓ーーーwww ごめんなさい大好きです|bメロとサビが割りと好み。 とはいえこうやってカバーを聞くとあらためてKOTOKO の凄さを思い知らされるわ。|歌い方好き!|오리지널 인터넷 엔젤|진짜 인터넷엔젤사마가 부르시는 인터넷오버도즈..|Yes, She is mischievous angel for a long time |Akari’s voice fits this song perfectly.|eurobeat my beloved|バリバリに可愛い路線に持ってくとリスペクト不足になるのがこの曲の面白い所|本家でしょ?ってくらいナナヲアカリに合ってる曲だから歌ってくれて嬉しい‼︎|まるでオリジナル曲の様に歌いこなすのに驚嘆‼️|えっっっっっぐ!|니디걸 오버도즈 보면서 아카리 눈나 생각했는데 이게 진짜 나왔넼ㅋㅋㅋ|best internet overdose cover tbh|逆に何で今まで歌って無かったんだレベルで 「 違 和 感 が 仕 事 し な い 」のSASUGA 何かTSKRありがとナス!!|良い意味でオタク味を感じる歌い方というか、鬱陶しさと爽やかさと切なさと心強さと、一緒にカラオケ来てるみたいな感覚になれて楽しい。|ずと…この組み合わせが見たかった…なんとなくダダダダ天使と近い感じがして…なんかが…嬉し…|寧ろまだ歌ってなかったんだという驚き|無事✝昇天✝|✞昇天✞|解釈一致すぎる|Kimochi yo sugi darou|I love how this is in the perfect (6:5?) resolution for my old dell buisness monitor! Nanawoakari nailed it too!|I like this song they have a unique and Best irama then japan people brave to increase it|Nanawoakari|めちゃめちゃ似合ってる!|I was waiting for this cover, I love akari s voice AHHHHH|どんな歌でも歌いこなすアカリさんは流石としか言えない|ピッタリだろうなと思って聞いたらピッタリだった|これを待ってました……本当にありがとう……………|うがあああああかわいいいいいぎいいいい|あう”ぃrrrrろぉ の発音好き|わああああかわいいいい|✝승천✝|オリジナルのあの独特な感じも唯一無二なんだな|ダダダダ天使あるしインターネットエンジェルであることは間違いない|曲がマッチしすぎてる|ナナヲさんがこれ歌うのすごい|この曲のMVってラスサビ後のはちゃめちゃなシーンで個性出るから色んな人の見てて飽きないんだよな|ナナヲアカリさんの声この曲とっても似合うです最高♰昇天♰|まさかナナオアカリさんのカバーを聞けるなんて…!!とても素晴らしいお歌で本家とも解釈一致で本当に凄いです…|I think I like the higher voiced versions of this song, but this is good as well.|嘘だろ 天才すぎる… 相性良すぎるし好きなものが合わさって超絶エモいものができてる|Es increible.|Yep is perfect! I loved it! Perfecto este cover! 素敵な歌!ナナヲアカリ最高!ダダダダ天使の曲を思い出せさせた~ 当たり前この曲は気分が合わせる|Incredible!|この混沌とした令和のインターネットを 照らす一筋の光 電子の海を漂うオタクに笑顔を 未来の平和をお約束 躁鬱だけどまかせとけ インターネット・エンジェル ただいま降臨 社会をやめろ 家族をやめろ 人間関係をやめろ 今すぐ薄暗い部屋で青白いライトを浴びろ 大丈夫 こわかったこと 全部上書きするからね 現実よりも crazy for you おかしくなりそうなほど 情報過多のインターネット いまたすけてあげるよ ダーリンダーリン ウソはウソだと見抜けるし この愛は暴走しちゃうし 壊れてしまうけど 考えなくていいんだよ もうすぐ楽になるから 脳内に乱反射する poison radio 麻薬より甘いよ いいね よくないね キミにとっては毒だね いいね よくないね それでも飲むんだね いいね よくないね 二人の秘密だね 私だけ見ててね まるで天使のように微笑む強めの幻覚 Internet Girl そして悪魔みたいにささやく あなただけのデパス Needy Girl 浅い眠りと承認欲求のオーバードーズ 脳天直撃するわたしたちだけの 宗教とヒカリ 倫理より激しく生きた宇宙すら 侵食する恋 何度も送られる毒電波を優しさだけで包んで 逆さまのコンピューターと断片的なカウンセリング きらめく屋上で奏でた夢見心地の旋律 夕暮れ時にさよならの練習をして 壊して 愛して 許して 狂って 狂って 狂って 甘く狂わせて  ゆらぎ始める世界 曖昧になる風景 アナタだけが映っているメモリー 神様なんていないよ このふざけたインターネットは七色のサイケデリック SNSという瓶詰め地獄に救済を 過去の歴史は見ないフリ アナタのためならすぐそばに インターネット・エンジェル かわいく参上! まるで天使のように抱きつく強めの幻覚 Internet Girl そして悪魔みたいにキスするあなただけの Needy girl angel…|俺が最近ハマった曲なんで知ってるん? ネットの天使だからか|The singing is really expressive and doesn’t feel just like another anime-ish voice due to that. I’ve heard a lot from this singer nothing with as good singing as this. 10/10 , the best cover I’ve seen for this song|めっちゃいい!なんかすっごく天使!|痕の屋上のシーンのパロディ好き!|Amazing new song!|This is always a fun song to listen to and now I get to hear Nanawo sing it |なんか峠でドリフトしたくなってきた|노래 이름이 뭔가요?|ライブでも歌うかな❤|YESSS HAI HAI HAI|I was waiting for Nanawoakari ver. Or (I forgor her name)|あーもう最高すぎる エンジェルすぎる かわいい好き|とんでもない”解釈一致”が来た|タイトルサムネ見た瞬間から 相性の良さ確定演出|캬 큰 거 왔다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ|つよつよなとこめちゃ好き。|ありがたい。最高だ。今日までダダダダ天使とこちらの原曲を交互に聞いて疑似的に天国と地獄を反復横飛びすることを日課にしてたから。|うぽつです。 独創的というか…本家どこいった? とても良いですね。|神か? この時を待ち侘びてた叶わぬ夢だと思ってたのにクリスマスプレゼントでしょうか、感謝しかない❄️ 生きてて良かった †昇天†|この人がこの曲を歌うの、満を持してみたいなところあるな……|本当に…本当に、ありがとうございます❤|I LOVE THISSS|인터넷 오버도스를 처음 들었을 때부터 이건 나나오 아카리가 불러야 한다고 생각했는데 제 꿈이 이뤄졌습니다 감사합니다|나나오 아카리에게 딱 안성맞춤인 곡이다|令和のインターネットエンジェル とはこれまさに|親和性高すぎてびっくりしたw カバー曲として非の打ち所がない完璧なクオリティ!!|@전제은 굿!|인터넷 오버도즈 입니다.|ㄹㅇ ㅋㅋ|Hallo Thomas,habe mir heute 3 Bücher bei Euch Bestellt.Internet für Senioren,Provis und wie mann mit Tasten Arbeiten kann.Natürlich schaue ich mir immer Vidios an um mehr zu lernen.Macht weiter so,Ihr seit ja besser alls ein Cumputerkurs|Hallo Thomas! Ich benutze noch Windows 10 und habe den Norten Antivirus ! Mir wird jetzt angezeigt das Online Tracking bei mir vorgenommen wird! Soll man im Norten ein Zusatz Programm Abonnieren oder gibt es bei Windows 10 eine eigene Funktion? Ist da Windows 11 besser? Herzlichen Dank für deine Videos und für deine Antwort|Wer kann mir weiter helfen? Das Smartphon zeigt nach jedem ausschalten den Satz ” Deine Sicherheitsnummer für Handy …………….(Name) hat sich geändert. Tippe um mehr zu erfahren. Wie kann ich diese Zeilen löschen, bei mehreren Teilnehmern sind bis zu 20 Eintrgungen.|Mein Drucker DCP-J315J Druckt nur Schwaz.Die anderen Farben Schwach obwohl ich schon x mal gereinigt habe.wa kann ich noch tun.Allerdings ist er schon 10 Jahre alt.Ich scaue mir fast jedes Vidio an von Ihnen.|Als erstes würd ich nicht den Browser Mircosoft Edge setzten, sondern auf den freien Firefox. Aber jeder muß es ja selber wissen|Danke Thomas, schön erklärt! Hinweis an die Community: Bitte nicht das smartphone vergessen, hier gilt genau das gleich, was eben von Thomas erklärt wurde. Löscht in eurem smartphone immer wieder mal euren Verlauf, ….|I was able to spy my partner’s conversation through the help of coderlouis5 on Instagram, he’s really the best hack I know.|Super danke sehr gut erklärt.|Vielen lieben Dank,wieder etwas dazu gelernt.Dank|Wieder was gelernt danke|Vielen Dank. super erklärt . Perfekt|Hallo Christian, mit Norton Antivirus kennen wir uns leider nicht aus. :/ Nicht das wir wüssten.|@BILDNER TV vielen Dank, ich werde gleich mal ausprobieren ob das klappt|Hallo Horst, welche App schickt dir diese Benachrichtigung? Oder kommt diese direkt vom Betriebssystem deines Smartphones? Was steht unter “mehr erfahren”? Ohne weitere Infos lässt sich dazu leider recht wenig sagen. WhatsApp und Signal schicken diese Benachrichtigungen z.B. wenn sich die Sicherheitsnummer einer deiner Kontakte ändert, entweder weil diese die App neu installiert haben, das Smartphone oder die Nummer gewechselt haben oder deren WhatsApp-Account von jemand anderen übernommen wurde. Hintergrund ist in diesem Fall die Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, mit der durch die Sicherheitsnummer überprüfbar ist, ob diese auch wirklich gegeben ist. Die Sicherheitsnummer entspricht aber nicht dem Schlüssel, also keine Sorge! Sie ist nur zum Überprüfen da. Ändert sich also etwas (z.B. eben neue Telefonnummer) zwischen dir und einem Kontakt, erhalten beide eine neue Sicherheitsnummer. Diese Benachrichtigungen sollten aber prinzipiell durch nach links oder rechts wischen in der Benachrichtigungsleiste löschbar sein. In den Einstellungen -> Account -> Sicherheit -> “Sicherheitsbenachrichtigungen anzeigen” lässt sich diese automatische Benachrichtigung jedoch auch deaktivieren. Dann bekommst du zukünftig keine solchen Meldungen mehr.|Wir selber nutzen auch Firefox |Bitte sehr :)|Bitte sehr :)|Bitte sehr |7:23 das ist so genial er steht da und hat absolut null Ahnung was er macht|super article|Wie unfassbar traurig dass das EU Parlament dann trotzdem dafür gestimmt hat. Werden die alle bezahlt oder?|4:30 Der Typ ist Politiker? Der hat mal auf Drachenlord reagiert. ok gut zu wissen|digga ich lieebe deine articles. biiiiittee hör nie auf zu produzieren!!! |99.99% der Kommentare handeln davon wie toll sein content ist und nur 00,01% handelt über den inhalt was mich echt Aufregt|Wie heißt der Song am Anfang|ich habe jetzt 2 Videos geschaut nicht böse gemeint aber wie bekommst du die ganzen n**i Sachen hochladen|Will den immernoch klatschen|In 20 Jahren streamen Sie deine Videos in die Köpfe der Schüler im Unterricht|ich habe auch in der Halle 8 Meinkraft gespielt|bin ich der einzige, der ein riesen hass auf axel voss bekommen hat ? DIESES VIDEO IST EINER DER BESTEN DIE ICH SEIT JAHREN GESEHEN HABE ! KULTURGUT hashtag bin kein bot|7:24 Modemgeräusch im Hintergrund|Einfach so geil wie die EU halt richtig n cooles Konzept ist, freies Reisen, Stabilität und Frieden in Europa etc. , sich aber mit so ner scheiße komplett selbst kaputt macht…|8:31 Ist das nicht Marmeladenoma?|Chatkontrolle: Sehe schon wie CSGO oder R6 Teams auf whatsapp taktiken besprechen. Wer die Bombe trägt, wo man plantet etc. Alle direkt verknackt… So dumm alter|Und ich war dabei, sogar 2x Voss getroffen |3:36 würden sie mal so aktiv gegen den Terror und die Migration vorgehen|Starker Content.|das ist ja bodenlos, der werte Axel Voss verwendet wahrscheinlich immer noch firefox|Selten soo geile Edits gesehen! Und schwups abonniert…|Dein Channel ist extrem underrated. Liebe deinen Content!|Axel Voss du 1 h*rrens*hn|7.36 min einfach mark forster da|Habe lange auf einen guten deutschen Internethistoriker gewartet und er ist endlich da.|Hast ein Abo mehr zu geil deine Videos!! Danke für die Arbeit!|Wildes Video, Kommentar nur für den Algorithmus. |Europa ist und bleibt der größte Meme!|So enternaining|Kann es sein dass Axel Voss ein Verfechter der Klaus Schwab Ideologie ist?|JAAA MAN! #Save my Hentai! |Zum Glück lebe ich in der Schweiz|8:43 ich wusste er ist wieder da|”Sogar die introvertierten waren da” Wie sie hinter den Bäumen hervor kommen |Uploadfilter -> Gegen Verfassung , Überwachungsstaat -> Nicht gegen Verfassung|Wir leben immer mehr und mehr in einen Anime|Was ist dem Hond Voss seine Aufgabe?|Haha das waren noch Zeiten – ich schwöre, das ging mir damals so am Arsch vorbei… Ich hab es zwar ein bisschen mitbekommen, aber irgendwie war mir von Anfang an klar, dass da nichts draus wird bzw das alles so bleibt wies ist, weil man kann das Internet ohnehin nicht mehr verbieten, das war alles ausgemachter Schwachsinn, aber manche (hust Herr Newstime) haben sich mächtig prächtig in die Scheiße gesetzt…|Das nächste gesetzt ist aber auch echt nicht mehr witzig…. Wenn’s durch kommt dann gute Nacht einfach Überwachungsstaat sein Vater|Legenden Video, Entertainment + learnings |11:39 Gemeinde lebt|Der Vollspast hat den Stein ohne Spitzhacke abgebaut|Change my mind Axel Fos oder wie der heißt ist einfach ein npc|7:36 ey das ist doch Mark Foster|Danke! Ich wollte das Jahr geil beenden! (Nicht ironisch gemeint). Bist der beste!|Warumm is 12:06 little nightmares???!??|7:36 Da ist ja Mark Forster. |Warte, ein FBI-Agent liest meine Chats? Bruder muss los|7:25 wollen wir mal drüber reden, dass er in Minecraft mit der Hand ein Stein abbauen und dann dumm für Sekunden drauf schaut, um zu realisieren dass nichts passiert ist? xD beste Stelle|9:48 einfach hops genommen|8:36 is sus|AXEL voss ist ein arsch|Axel Voss chillt in irgendein rndm Büro in bonn|dieser mann hat zu viel spaß am editieren hagdgsgshshqhahdhahhahahahagaha|Der Moment als Voss den Stein abbaute und so übelst verwirrt war Nein Spaß jemand wie er sollte niemals in die Nähe von etwas so großartigem wie Minecraft kommen |Bei 7:36 unten am Rand das Gesicht kommt mir irgendwie bekannt vor |Irgendwie erinnert er mich an knuspertoast oder so|Was ein Meisterwerk|für die aussprache und idee zur umgehung des protestrechtes und somit auch der meinungsfreiheit sollten echt radikale masnahmen wie 10 jahre haft als strafe für politicker mit gewalt durchgesetzt werden|Bei wirklich ernsthaften Problemen scheint nicht viel Gegenwind von der stillen Bevölkerung zu kommen aber wehe wenn man die Memes bedroht. Idiocracy entpuppt sich immer mehr als Prophezeiung.|Wie bei uns in Österreich die Impfpflicht für die Tonne war.. Möchte nicht wissen was das an Geld gekostet hat es durchzuboxen, nur damit es dann später auf Eis gelegt wird..|4:25 er redet von der freedom of speech. Die gibt es weder in der EU noch woanders im Internet. Diese freedom darf nur von der US Regierung in Gesetze gebracht werden|10:54 da war ich|Gronkh zerstört einfach Axel Voss |Mega gut geschnittenes Video! Mach weiter!|Merkel hätte mehr Hass verdient. Und das ist das Problem an unserer Gesellschaft, nur wenn es einen aus der Komfortzone haut ist man bereit was zu machen. Genau deshalb ist Deutschland an dem Punkt wo es heute ist|alter warum baut axel voss ein stein ab ??|Axel Voss was das brooo…|Durch Zufall hier gelandet und mann ich hatte Glück! Liebe deine Videos❤|In der Vergangenheit wurde eine Serie Detektiv Conan/ Shinichi kudo durch Artikel 13 zum Opfer in der Vergangenheit ca 2002 es geht um die Serie jedenfalls habe ich das mitbekommen|Sehr gutes article!|Axel ich werde dich finden|Ist es nicht extrem Furchteimflößend, dass ein verfassungswidriges Gesetz im EU Parlament bejaht wurde?|Pr0gramm logo bei minute 3:06 macht man nicht|07:10 weiß jemand zufällig wie die Hintergrundmusik heißt?|Zum Glück sitze ich in der Schweiz und hab nix mit der EU zu tun|Halt digger das kann sich doch kein Schwanz geben. Ein Hurensohn, der keine Ahnung von dem Internet hat, soll also über die Zukunft davon innerhalb eines Landes bestimmen? wtf|Bester. Fucking. Mann.|Viel zu geile articles du solteset mehr uploaden|baba content|alter, axel ist doch save ein modernitäts, Jugend und Technik hassender steinzeit Mensch, oder was auch immerl, was ist los mit dieser Welt, Und dafür haben die TRümmerdamen allles aufgebaut, oh scheisse………..|Also wenn ich die Demos sehe LUZIFER, du siehst was hier abgeht, BITTE hau die Welt runter, ey das is doch, WAS ZU VERFICKTEN HÖLLE|Ja das die kapital zieher JAAA sagen is klar, nur ein MENSCH sagt dazu nein : D Alter war das geil ” Wie soll ich jetz meine Aufgaben machen, ich esse jetz meine tasta ” Ich liebe sowas|im ernst, die politik ist selbst schuld, das Menschen wie ich, wir, sie so sehr hassen Und wenn das wirklich so weiter geht, und unertragbar wird….. ey im ernst, ich lösch alle kanäle, und leb wie vor dem WORD WIDE WEB, irgendwann reichts|also wenn nichts daran stimmt das die politik uns das das verderben bringen soll, ja dann weis ich auch nicht|Video 11/10 so geil lange nicht mehr so gellacht|8:36 kurz flashbacks gehabt|Da war einfach mark forster im hintergrund der Demonstration|13:24 Die yu-Gi-Oh reverse card wird auch nicht alt|unglaublich geil|Herrlich, einfach geil. Kurz und verständlich, und dabei noch sehr unterhaltend|”Sogar die Introvertierten waren da” Shits relatable.|@Linkersacher harvest dawn , aber danke |Ich sags nicht|This may be the best one yet! Love your channel, your sense of humor and Karen (Dolce) is so cute! I also love watching your family channel and your nonno and nonna. Your nonna reminds me of my mamma in Sicily ❤️|That part! Haha|Vanessa! I don’t know if you would consider it but I think it would be really cool if you did a article on trimming dog nails on troublesome customers. I have a pug-chi combo that will not let me do it unless in a dog hammock with constant treats and thrashing on her part and several cats it’s bad.|i legitimately shriek-laughed at the reveal |funny name for a grumperson :)|Screaming, I love this|Best “Karen “cut ever!|So cute ☺️ |Yep, I’ve had two Lhasa Aosos, and he definitely looks like a Lhasa. Shih Tzus have more “pushed in” noses, while Lhasas have regular dog noses. He has a Lhasa attitude, too.|I always enjoy your articles and smile all the way through them, but I think this is the first time I’ve laughed out loud! I love the comb over effect! |Why is this the last visit? And I also have a ugly dog like this named Martin. he acts just like this|It’s so funny that he’s called Dolce but he’s anything but |He’s got a face like a griffon.|He’s adorable|Lmao! I can’t get enough of this article! I love your articles!|What is in the name they say well this dude dog’s name is “Dolce” in Italian means sweet When you were done grooming him he looks like an older Justin Bieber with a beard|Dolce looks more like a Brussels Griffon|xQc dog OMEGALUL|This slander is what I live for |Oh my❤❤|0:52 – Dolce or Logan Paul? You decide…|I hollered at the end!! That was good to me!!|IT’S NOT A PHASE MOOOOOOMMMMMM| This is the best, love the haircut, classic Karen.|Now that’s a bang|OMG. That was the cutest haircut!|You realise Karen that poor animal that you scolded when it whimpered under the water looks like this due to the excessive breed reducing it to this deformed appearance. This dog needs love and care. Not to released to a crazy lady that has to scramble for some self esteem by angrily cutting an animal so it looks ridiculous.|if I straighten my toy poodle’s hair, can I make her a part like that?! (superb, girl!!!)|That was hilarious! Love your channel.|3:07 That’s a very human like hair style.| why is it your last cut with him ?|It looks like a Karen. lol, the original haircut almost looks like a bob haircut, with the “I want to speak to the manager” look even more with the new swoop hair cut. I can’t stop laughing. It is very accurate.|So funny I have tears in my eyes!||I haven’t laughed that hard in a bit|Out of curiosity, why was today Dolce’s final groom? Have his owners decided to go elsewhere? :(|Omfg that finished style at the end reminds me of the 2006 era of emo kids on MySpace|That’s the best. LOL|The Karen cut had me laughing so much!|Oh my gosh||I have this dogs doppelgänger and his name is Teddy. He was abused by an unscrupulous groomer before we got him. She thankfully is now no longer a groomer but I am not able to take him to anyone because he bites them,me and everyone he can if you attempt to groom him .But not groomed he is the sweetest boy ever and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Touch his paws and you will die according to him.We’ve tried it all……….and I give up.I do it once a month on a day I feel brave|was it a bloody dremel???|Wow that was an awesome haircut ❤❤❤❤|That is such a great Tzu cut! As a Tzu owner for years, it’s so hard to find a groomer that can actually do an excellent job with them.|This is hilarious to say the least |Dolce has a beautiful thick beard !!|I just screamed he’s so cute|OMG!!! I can’t stop laughing at the “Karen” haircut! Kudos.|I love the way you framed his face!|We always referred to our neighbors’ Lhasa Apso as “The Dust Mop”.|hahaha great. He looks so handsome at the end with his nice haircut (canine untercut^^)|So… did he speak to the manager |Best haircut ever!!!|Why is this his last hair cut by you???|You are hilarious. Fantastic!|He looks like Donald Trump. Lmao.|Can’t stop laughing!!!|Wow, what a sweet dog.|@00:57 best part of article. Kiss kiss snoot|OMG best laugh thanks for sharing|Dolce Trump!||0:54-1:02 Oh my goodness; with the music that is HILARIOUS!|@CharlotteDobre ||Dolche got that Justin Bieber haircut. Poor dog.|That poor dog looks like early 2000s Kate Gosselin|Jokes on Dolce you’re the manager LOL|OMG this is hysterical! I like his side part.|Dulce looks like a well groomed Zach Galifianakis with a Karen cut.|I know a groomer who has a dog that she sees on a regular basis and the dog is nicknamed snake bite. Simply because this dog will spin and bite so randomly.|Omg you did not this is great. Dolce was lovely|The nail clipping reminds me off my old sweet boy. Giant Yorkie, Charlie went in for an ear infection. Our vet had been seeing him since he was a puppy (10 years old and firstly at the time) and she moved to his ears with a q-trip. Charlie started flailing and shrieking so loudly, we had techs poking their head in the Dutch door to see why we were killing him. Our vet just stared at me, “I didn’t even touch him…” he had never acted that way before or since during his appointments and I mercilessly teased him between pets. RIP Charlie.| The combover |Justin Bieber|My sweet Lhasa didn’t appreciate that comment. But the haircut was perfect.|Dolce little man he looks like a snitch.|The haircut though|Awesome!!!!!!!|Wow, that dog looks just like ME!!|I met a wonderful Karen over the holidays. I wish we could change the name Karen to something/someone else just because it’s unfair to the innocents that were given the name at birth. Markle is a good substitute. Gosselin is also a seamless fit.||I have a senior shih tzu. You nailed it!☺️|I’m actually getting Emo… classic….. Pete Wentz in Fall out Boy|OMG! I was a groomer for 5 years and this is the BEST cut I’ve ever seen! I can’t stop laughing!|Awe what a cute pup!|Love, LoVe, LOVE the Karen haircut |OMG I love Dolce – he can Karen me to death all he wants |I screamed when I saw the finished product!!!! HIS HAIRCUT!!!!!!! LMAO|Oh! This is even better than when you shared the cat article. Yes, that hairstyle is very fitting.|He’s absolutely a lhasa apso! You are a brave woman! lolol|Perfect Karen Haircut….|Please stop with the name shaming. If you could witness the damage that this terrible trend has done, you would understand. I watched my neighbors 12-year-old daughter go from a well-adjusted, happy girl to on who is ashamed to say or write her name because of the name shaming. She used to write very good short stories & poems. Now she writes suicide notes, instead. Yes, her mother is taking her to counseling. Using a name to shame people or even an animal is cyber bullying. I care so much about this girl; I do what I can to perk her up. I just hope that she doesn’t follow through on her suicide notes.|@Jububoo Barooisn’t “entitled white women” a gender AND racial slur all in one?|@Josh S by the gods, americans are so entitled|@Serenity it almost universally applies to white women, also don’t forget ageist|@LTown8365 it only applies to white women|@Phoenix wrong|If you go back through the article again, you’ll hear Dolce’s owner asked Vanessa to roast him. She wasn’t being mean. Just done in good fun.| especially during the blow dry!|Letra <3 Hoy me levanté con la peor depresión, pues soy adicta a buscar atención, pero me siento una mierda, ¿Por qué no me veo como ellas las estrellas? Y no, ya no como porque quiero otro amor, tengo hambre de sentirme mejor, pero me siento una mierda, pisarme la cara no te cuesta nada. Que nos conectemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi. y que nos besemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla, tocame, estudiame, fuera de pantalla. Quiero enamorarme de tu foto de perfil, rompe tu teléfono por mi, please. Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla. Dame todo el contenido que de ti yo quiero mas, etiquetame en tu vida para no perderme na’. Oye, i dont wannt an internet blah blah blah. Que nos conectemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi. y que nos besemos sin estar online, quiero convertirme en tu clave de WiFi Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla, tocame, estudiame, fuera de pantalla. Quiero enamorarme de tu foto de perfil, rompe tu teléfono por mi, please. Quiereme, besame, fuera de pantalla. Internet love. (x4)|Ya es 2023 y esta canción es mi medicina|Todas tus músicas son adictivas.|"hoy me levanté con la peor depresión" "pero me siento una Mi3Rd@ por qué no me pegó como ellas las estrellas" esas frases me describen muy bien :'D por eso son mis favoritas:')|Es como estar en el 2008. Los que tienen 30 me entenderán xd había mucha música de este estilo sonando en todas partes.|DIOS COMO AMO ESTA CANCIÓN|Merece single|Te amo wey, pinches joyas de canciones <3|Escuche esta rola en vivo en el tecate peninsula y no mames me cambio la vida, te amo bruses|You don´t understand, I´m obsessed with this

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  14. { {Я|я} {серфинг|просматривал} онлайн более {три|3|2|4} часов сегодня, но я так и не нашел ни одной интересной статьи, подобной вашей. {Это|Это} для меня этого достаточно. {По моему мнению|Лично|По моему мнению}, если бы все {веб-мастера|владельцы сайтов|владельцы веб-сайтов|владельцы веб-сайтов} и блоггеры создавали хороший контент, как вы, {интернет|сеть |сеть} была бы {намного больше|намного более} полезно, чем когда-либо прежде.| Я не мог прокомментировать. {Очень хорошо|Отлично|Хорошо|Исключительно хорошо} написано!| {Я буду|Я буду} {сразу|немедленно} {схватить|схватить|схватить|схватить|схватить|вырвать} ваш {rss|rss-канал}, поскольку я {не могу|не могу} {найти|найти|чтобы найти} свою подписку на {электронную почту|электронную почту} {ссылку|гиперссылку} или службу {информационного бюллетеня|электронного информационного бюллетеня}. У вас есть немного? {Пожалуйста|Пожалуйста} {разрешите|разрешите|дайте} мне {осознать|признать|понять|распознать|знать} {чтобы|чтобы} я {мог|мог|мог} подписаться. Спасибо.| {Это|Это} {подходящее|идеальное|лучшее} время, чтобы строить планы на будущее, и {это|это} время быть счастливым. {Я|я} прочитал этот пост, и если бы я мог, я {хочу|хочу|желаю} предложить вам {несколько|некоторые} интересных вещей или {советы|предложения|советы}. {Возможно|Возможно} вы {могли бы|можете} написать следующие статьи, ссылающиеся на эту статью. Я {хочу|хочу|желаю} прочитать {еще|даже больше} вещей об этом!| {Это|Это} {подходящее|идеальное|лучшее} время, чтобы построить {несколько|несколько} планов на {будущее|долгосрочную|долгосрочную перспективу} и {это|это} время быть счастливый. {У меня|у меня есть} {прочитать|выучить} этот {пост|отправить|опубликовать|разместить}, и если я {просто могу|могу|могу} я {хочу|хочу|желаю} {предложить|рекомендовать|посоветовать} вам {немногие|некоторые} {интересные|увлекательные|привлекающие внимание} {вещи|проблемы} или {советы|предложения|советы}. {Возможно|Возможно} вы {могли бы|можете} написать {следующие|последующие} статьи, {относящиеся|относящиеся к|относительно} этой статьи. Я {хочу|хочу|желаю} {читать|узнать} {больше|еще ​​больше} {вещи|проблемы} {приблизительно|о чем}!| {Я|я} {серфинг|просматривал} {онлайн|онлайн} {более|больше} {три|3} часов {в эти дни|в эти дни|сегодня| в последнее время|в последнее время}, {все еще|но} Я {никогда| ни при каких обстоятельствах не {нашёл|обнаружил} {интересную|увлекательную|привлекательную} статью, подобную вашей. {Это|Это} {красиво|красиво|прекрасно} {ценность|цена|цена} {достаточно|достаточно} для меня. {По моему мнению|Лично|По моему мнению}, если бы все {веб-мастера|владельцы сайтов|владельцы веб-сайтов|владельцы веб-сайтов} и блоггеры сделали {идеально|хорошо|отлично} {контент|содержательный материал}, как {вы сделали это|вы, вероятно, сделал это}, {интернет|сеть|сеть} {будет|будет|может быть|вероятно будет|может быть|вероятно будет} {намного больше|намного больше} {полезно|полезнее}, чем когда-либо прежде.| Ага, это {приятно|приятно|хорошо|утомно} {обсуждение|разговор|диалог} {относительно|относительно|о|по теме} этой {статьи|поста|сочинения|абзаца} {здесь |в этом месте} в этом {блоге|веблоге|веб-странице|веб-сайте|веб-сайте} я все это прочитал, поэтому {сейчас|в это время} я также комментирую {здесь|в этом месте}. | Я уверен, что эта {статья|пост|сочинение|абзац} затронула каждого {пользователя|людей|зрителей|посетителей} в Интернете, это действительно {приятно|приятно|хорошо|утомно} {статья |пост|кусок написания |абзаца} о создании нового {блога|веблога|веб-страницы|веб-сайта|веб-сайта}.| Ух ты, эта {статья|пост|сочинение|абзац} {приятна|приятна|хороша|утомительна}, моя {сестра|младшая сестра} анализирует {такие|эти|эти виды} вещей, {так|так|Итак} Я собираюсь {сказать ему|сообщить|дать ему знать|передать ему}.| {Сохранено как избранное|в закладках!!}, {Мне очень нравится|мне нравится|мне нравится} {ваш блог|ваш сайт|ваш сайт|ваш сайт}!| Очень круто! Некоторые {очень|чрезвычайно} верные аргументы! Я ценю вас {написание этого|написание этого} {статья|пост|написание} {и|а также|плюс} остальная часть {сайта|сайта} {также очень|чрезвычайно|очень| тоже действительно|действительно} хорошо.| Привет, {Я верю|Я думаю} {это отличный|это отличный} {блог|веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт}. Я наткнулся на это 😉 {Я собирался|Я буду|Я буду|Я мог бы} {вернуться|вернуться|пересмотреть} {еще раз|еще раз} {так как я|так как я} {отмечено|книга отмечено |отмечено|сохранено как избранное}. Деньги и свобода {это лучший|это лучший} способ измениться, пусть вы будете богатыми и продолжите {помогать|направлять} {других людей|других}.| Ух ты! Я действительно {люблю|наслаждаюсь|копаюсь} в шаблоне/теме этого {сайта|веб-сайта|блога}. Это просто, но эффективно. Часто {очень сложно|очень сложно|сложно|трудно|трудно|трудно} достичь этого «идеального баланса» между {превосходным удобством использования|удобством использования|удобством использования} и {внешним видом|визуальной привлекательностью|внешним видом}. Я должен сказать, что {вы|вы|вы} проделали {потрясающую|потрясающую|очень хорошую|превосходную|фантастическую|отличную|превосходную} работу с этим. {Также|Дополнительно|Кроме того}, блог загружает {очень|чрезвычайно|супер} {быстро|быстро} для меня в {Safari|Internet Explorer|Chrome|Opera|Firefox}. {Превосходный|Исключительный|Исключительный|Отличный} Блог!| Это {действительно|на самом деле|на самом деле|действительно|искренне} некоторые {супер|огромные|впечатляющие|замечательные|фантастические} идеи в {относительно|касательно|о|на тему} блоггинга. Здесь вы натолкнулись на некоторые {хорошие|хорошие|хорошие|сложные} {точки|факторы|вещи}. Несмотря ни на что, продолжайте писать. | {Мне нравится|мне очень нравится|мне нравится|мне нравится|всем нравится} то, кем вы {есть|обычно|склонны быть} тоже. {Такого рода|Такого типа|Такого|Такого рода} умная работа и {разоблачение|освещение|отчетность}! Продолжайте в том же духе {превосходные|потрясающие|очень хорошие|супер|хорошие|потрясающие|фантастические|отличные|невероятные|замечательные} работы, ребята. Я {включил||добавил|включил} вас, ребята, в {|мой|наш||мой личный |мой собственный} блогролл.| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет}! Кто-то из моей группы {Myspace|Facebook} поделился с нами этим {сайтом|веб-сайтом}, поэтому я пришел {взглянуть на него|посмотреть|посмотреть|проверить}. Я очень ценю эту информацию. Я {book-marking|bookmarking} и напишу об этом в Твиттере своим подписчикам! {Потрясающий|Замечательный|Потрясающий|Фантастический|Выдающийся|Выдающийся|Превосходный|Отличный} блог и {замечательный|ужасный|блестящий|удивительный|потрясающий|отличный|фантастический|выдающийся|превосходный} {стиль и дизайн|дизайн и стиль|дизайн}. |{Мне нравится|мне очень нравится|мне нравится|мне нравится|всем нравится} то, кем вы {есть|обычно|склонны быть}. {Такого рода|Такого типа|Такого|Такого рода} умная работа и {разоблачение|освещение|отчетность}! Продолжайте в том же духе {превосходные|супер|очень хорошие|супер|хорошие|потрясающие|фантастические|отличные|удивительные|замечательные} работы, ребята, я {включил|добавил|включил} вас в {|мои|наши|мои личные|мои собственные} блогролл.| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет} Не могли бы вы {указать|поделиться}, с какой блог-платформой вы {работаете|используете}? Я {ищу|планирую|собираюсь} начать свой собственный блог {в ближайшем будущем|скоро}, но я переживаю {сложное|сложное|трудное} время {принятие решения|выбор|выбор|решение} между BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution и Drupal. Причина, по которой я спрашиваю, заключается в том, что ваш {дизайн и стиль|дизайн|макет} кажется другим, чем у большинства блогов, и я ищу что-то {совершенно уникальное|уникальное}. PS {Мои извинения|Извинения|Извините} за {быть|быть} не по теме, но я должен был спросить!| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет} Не могли бы вы сообщить мне, какой {хост|хостинговую компанию|веб-хостинг} вы {используете|работаете|используете}? Я загружал ваш блог в 3 {совершенно разных интернет-браузерах|разных|веб-браузерах|браузерах} и должен сказать, что этот блог загружается намного {быстрее|быстрее}, чем большинство других. Можете ли вы {предложить|рекомендовать} хорошего провайдера {интернет-хостинга|веб-хостинга|хостинга} по {честной|разумной|справедливой} цене? {Большое спасибо|Поздравляем|Привет|Спасибо|Большое спасибо|Спасибо}, я ценю это!| {Мне нравится|мне очень нравится|мне нравится|Все любят} {когда люди|когда люди|когда люди|когда бы люди} {собираются|собираются вместе} и делятся {мнениями|мыслями|точками зрения|идеями}. Отличный {блог|веб-сайт|сайт}, {продолжайте в том же духе|продолжайте в том же духе|продолжайте в том же духе}!| Спасибо за {благоприятный|хороший} отзыв. На самом деле это была развлекательная история. Ждите от вас больше контента! {Кстати|Однако}, как {мы|мы можем общаться?| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет} Я просто хотел дать вам краткий обзор. {Текст|слова} в вашем {контенте|сообщении|статье} отображаются за кадром в {Ie|Internet Explorer|Chrome|Firefox|Safari|Opera}. Я не уверен, является ли это проблемой {формата|форматирования} или чем-то связанным с совместимостью {веб-браузера|интернет-браузера|браузера}, но я {подумал|посчитал}, что опубликую, чтобы сообщить вам. Однако {стиль и дизайн|дизайн и стиль|макет|дизайн} выглядят великолепно! Надеюсь, вы скоро решите {проблему|проблему} {решённую|решённую|исправленную}. {Поздравляем|Привет|Большое спасибо|Спасибо}| Это тема {которая|это|которая} {близка|близка} моему сердцу… {Молодцы|Большое спасибо|С наилучшими пожеланиями|Берегите себя|Спасибо}! {Где|Где именно} ваши контактные данные? | Изучить любой {предмет|предмет} в {сети|сети} очень {легко|просто|без хлопот|просто|легко} по сравнению с {книгами|учебниками}, поскольку я нашел эту {статью|пост|часть письма |абзац} на этом {веб-сайте|сайте|сайте|веб-странице}.| Есть ли на вашем {сайте|веб-сайте|блоге} страница контактов? У меня возникли проблемы с его поиском, но я хотел бы отправить вам {email|email}. У меня есть несколько {креативных идей|рекомендаций|предложений|идей} для вашего блога, которые могут вас заинтересовать. В любом случае, это отличный {сайт|веб-сайт|блог}, и я с нетерпением жду возможности увидеть, как он {развивается|улучшается|расширяется|растет} с течением времени.| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет}! Я {следую|читаю} ваш {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт|веблог|блог} уже {долгое время|какое-то время|некоторое время} и, наконец, набрался {храбрости|смелости}, чтобы двигаться вперед и дать вам привет из {Нью-Кейни|Кингвуд|Хаффман|Портер|Хьюстон|Даллас|Остин|Лаббок|Хамбл|Атаскосита} {Техас|Техас}! Я просто хотел {сказать вам|упомянуть|сказать} продолжать в том же духе {фантастическую|отличную|отличную|хорошую} {работу|работу}!| Привет из {Айдахо|Каролины|Огайо|Колорадо|Флориды|Лос-Анджелеса|Калифорнии}! Мне до слез|скучно до слез|скучно} на работе, поэтому я решил {проверить|просмотреть} ваш {сайт|веб-сайт|блог} на своем iPhone во время обеденного перерыва. Я очень ценю {знания|информацию|информацию}, которую вы {представляете|предоставляете} здесь, и не могу дождаться, чтобы взглянуть, когда вернусь домой. Я {шокирован|удивлен|удивлен} тем, как быстро ваш блог загружается на мой {мобильный|сотовый телефон|телефон}.. Я даже не использую WIFI, только 3G.. {В любом случае|В любом случае}, {отлично| потрясающе|очень хорошо|превосходно|хорошо|замечательно|фантастическо|отлично|потрясающе} {сайт|блог}!| Это {как ты|как ты} {читать|учить} мои {разум|мысли}! Вы {кажется|кажется, что} {понимаете|знаете|схватываете} {столько|много} {приблизительно|о} этом, {так как вы|как вы} написали {книгу|электронную книгу|руководство|электронную книгу |e book} в нем или что-то в этом роде. {Я думаю|я чувствую|я верю} {что вы|что вы просто|что вы просто} {мог|можете} сделать с {несколько|несколько} {%|ПК|процентов} для {силы|давления|привода|власть} сообщение{дом|дом} {немного|немного}, {однако|но} {кроме|вместо} этого, {это|это} {великий|замечательный|фантастический|великолепный| превосходный} блог. {Отличное|Отличное|фантастическое} чтение. {Я|я} {конечно|конечно} вернусь.| Я посетил {несколько|много|несколько|различных} {веб-сайтов|сайтов|веб-сайтов|веб-страниц|блогов} {но|кроме|однако} аудио {качество|функция} для {текущих|настоящих|аудиопесен}, существующих} на сегодняшний день {веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт|веб-страница} — это {действительно|на самом деле|на самом деле|действительно|искренне} {замечательно|замечательно|отлично|потрясающе|превосходно}. | {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет}, я читаю ваш блог {иногда|время от времени}, и у меня есть похожий блог, и мне просто {интересно|любопытно}, получаете ли вы много спама {комментарии|ответы|комментарии|примечания}? Если да, то как вы можете {предотвратить|уменьшить|остановить|защитить от} любого плагина или чего-либо, что вы {посоветуете|предложите|рекомендуете}? В последнее время я получаю так много, что это сводит меня с {сумасшедшим|безумным|сумасшедшим}, поэтому любая {помощь|помощь|поддержка} очень ценна.| Привет! {Очень полезно|Очень полезный совет {в этой|в этой} {статье|посте}! {Это|Это} небольшие изменения, {которые делают|которые будут|которые произведут|которые произведут} {самые большие|самые большие|самые большие|самые важные|самые значительные} изменения. {Большое спасибо|Спасибо|Большое спасибо} за то, что поделились!| {Мне очень нравится|Я действительно|Я серьезно|Мне очень нравится {ваш блог|ваш сайт|ваш веб-сайт}. . {Очень хорошие|Отличные|Хорошие|Отличные} цвета и тема. Вы сами {создали|разработали|сделали|построили} {этот сайт|этот сайт|этот сайт|этот замечательный сайт}? Пожалуйста, ответьте, поскольку я {ищу|пытаюсь|планирую|хочу|надеюсь|попытаюсь} создать {мой собственный|мой собственный|мой собственный личный} {блог|веб-сайт|сайт} и {я хотел бы| хочу| хотелось бы {знать|узнать|узнать}, откуда вы это взяли или {что|именно что|как именно} тема {называется|называется}. {Спасибо|Большое спасибо|Спасибо|Молодец|Я ценю это|Поздравляю}!| {Привет|Привет|Привет}! Этот {пост|статья|пост в блоге} {не мог|не мог} быть написан {лучше|намного лучше}! {Читаю|Смотрю|Просматриваю|Просматриваю} этот {пост|статья} напоминает мне моего предыдущего соседа по комнате! Он {всегда|постоянно|постоянно} продолжал {говорить об этом|проповедовать об этом}. {Я|Я буду|Я буду|Я обязательно} {перешлю|отправлю} {эту статью|эту информацию|это сообщение} ему. {Совершенно уверен|Совершенно уверен} {он будет|он будет|он будет} {хорошего|очень хорошего|хорошего} чтения. {Спасибо за|Спасибо за|Огромное спасибо за|Спасибо за}, что поделились!| {Ух ты|Ух ты|Удивительно|Удивительно}! Этот блог выглядит {точно|точно} как мой старый! Это {полностью|полностью|совершенно} другая {тема|тема}, но у нее почти такой же {макет|макет} и дизайн. {Отличный|Замечательный|Отличный|Выдающийся|Потрясающий} выбор цвета!| {Есть|есть} {конечно|конечно} {много дел|много дел} {знать о|узнать больше|узнать больше об этой {теме|теме|проблеме}. {Мне нравится|Я люблю|Мне очень нравятся} {все|все} моменты, {которые вы сделали|вы сделали|вы сделали}. | {Вы набрали|Вы набрали|Вы набрали} несколько {приличных|хороших|очень хороших} баллов. Я {посмотрел|проверил} {в Интернете|в сети|в сети} {для получения дополнительной информации|для получения дополнительной информации|чтобы узнать больше|чтобы узнать больше|для получения дополнительной информации} о проблеме и нашел {большинство людей| большинство людей} поделятся вашими взглядами на {этом веб-сайте|этом сайте|этом веб-сайте}.| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Что случилось}, я {вхожу в систему|проверяю|читаю} ваши {новости|блоги|блог} {регулярно|например, каждую неделю|ежедневно|на регулярной основе}. Ваш стиль {рассказывания|писательства|юмористический} {потрясающий|остроумный}, продолжайте {делать то, что делаете|хорошо работать|двигаться вперед}! | Я {просто|просто} {не мог|не мог} {оставить|оставить|оставить} ваш {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт} {раньше|раньше} предполагая, что мне {действительно|чрезвычайно|на самом деле} {понравилось|понравилось} {норма|обычное} {информация|инфо} {человек|индивидуальность} {обеспечить|предоставить} {для ваших|на ваших|в ваших|ваших} {посетителей|гостей}? Будут ли {будут|будут} {возвращаться|снова} {часто|регулярно|постоянно|постоянно|постоянно|часто|постоянно} {чтобы|чтобы} {проверять|проверять|проверять| исследовать перекрестную проверку} новые сообщения| {Я хотел|мне нужно было|я хочу|мне нужно} поблагодарить вас за это {супер|отличное|фантастическое|замечательное|хорошее|очень хорошее} чтение!! Я {определенно|конечно|абсолютно} {наслаждался|любил} каждый {маленький кусочек|кусочек}. {У меня|У меня есть|У меня есть} вы {избранное|добавлено в закладки|отмечено как избранное|сохранено как избранное} {чтобы проверить|посмотреть} новый пост {вы|вещи, которые вы} публикуете…| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Что случилось}, я просто хотел {упомянуть|сказать|сказать вам}, мне {наслаждалась|понравилась|понравилась} эта {статья|пост|сообщение в блоге}. Это было {вдохновляюще|смешно|практично|полезно}. Продолжайте публиковать сообщения!| {Привет|Привет}, мне нравится читать {полностью|до конца} вашу {статью|пост|пост статьи}. Мне {нравится|хотел} написать небольшой комментарий, чтобы поддержать вас.| Я {всегда|постоянно|каждый раз} потратил полчаса на чтение этого{блога|веблога|веб-страницы|веб-сайта|веб-сайта} {статей|сообщений|статей или обзоров|контента} {каждый день| ежедневно|каждый день|все время} с {чашкой|кружкой} кофе. | Я {всегда|навсегда|все время|постоянно|каждый раз} отправлял по электронной почте эту страницу сообщения {блог|веблог|веб-страница|веб-сайт|веб-сайт} всем моим {друзьям|партнерам|контактам }, {потому что|с тех пор|как |для причина в том, что} если вы хотите прочитать это, {то|после этого|следующего|после} мои {друзья|ссылки|контакты} тоже это сделают.| Мой {кодер|программист|разработчик} пытается {уговорить|убедить} меня перейти на.net с PHP. Я всегда ненавидел эту идею из-за {расходов|затрат}. Но он все равно пытается. Я использую {Movable-type|WordPress} на {множестве|множестве|многих|нескольких|различных} веб-сайтах уже около года, и я {нервничаю|тревожно|беспокоюсь|обеспокоен} по поводу идеи перейти на другую платформу. Я слышал {фантастические|очень хорошие|отличные|отличные|хорошие} отзывы о Есть ли способ {перенести|импортировать} в него весь мой WordPress{контент|сообщения}? {Любая|любая} помощь будет {действительно|очень} оценена!| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Хорошего дня}! Я мог бы поклясться, что я {был|посещал} {этот блог|этот веб-сайт|этот веб-сайт|этот сайт|ваш блог} до, но после {просмотр|просмотр|посмотрю} {некоторые из|некоторые из |многих} {сообщения|статьи}, я понял, что это для меня ново. {В любом случае|В любом случае|Тем не менее|Как бы то ни было}, я {конечно|конечно} {счастлив|счастлив|в восторге} {Я нашел|Я обнаружил|Я наткнулся на |Я наткнулся на это} и я сделаю {добавку в закладки|книгу – отмечая его} и проверяя его {часто|регулярно|часто}!| {Отлично|Отлично|Замечательно} {статья|работа}! {Это|Это} {тип|вид} {информации|информации} {которая должна|которая должна|которая должна} распространяться {во всем|по всему} {сети|интернету| сети}. {Позор|Позор} в {поисковых системах|Google} за то, что {теперь нет|не|больше} позиционирует этот {пост|отправить|публиковать|разместить} {выше|выше}! Приходите и {поговорите с|пообщайтесь с|попросите совета|посетите|проконсультируйтесь} мой {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт}. {Спасибо|Спасибо} =)| Эй, {Я|Я} здесь впервые. Я {наткнулся|нашёл} эту доску и считаю ее {действительно|действительно} полезной, и она мне {много|много} помогла. Я надеюсь что-то вернуть и {помочь|помочь} другим, таким как вы, {помог мне|помог}. | {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет}, {Я думаю|Я верю|Я верю|Я думаю|Нет сомнений, что} {ваш сайт|ваш сайт|ваш сайт|ваш блог} {может быть|может быть |может быть|может быть} иметь совместимость с {браузером|интернет-браузером|веб-браузером} {проблемы|проблемы}. {Когда я|Каждый раз, когда я} {смотрю на ваш|смотрю на ваш} {веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт|блог} в Safari, он выглядит хорошо, {но когда|однако когда|однако, если|Однако, когда} открытие в {Internet Explorer|IE|IE} {есть|есть} перекрывающиеся проблемы. {Я просто|Я просто|Я просто хотел} {сделать вам|сделать вам} быстрое предупреждение! {Кроме того|Кроме того|Кроме этого|Кроме этого}, {фантастический|замечательный|отличный|отличный} {блог|веб-сайт|сайт}! | {Человек|Кто-то|Кто-то} {обязательно|по существу} {протянуть руку|помощь|помощь}, чтобы сделать {серьезно|критически|значительно|серьезно} {статьи|сообщения} {Я бы|я мог бы |я} бы заявил. {Это|Это} мой {первый|самый первый} раз, когда я посетил вашу {веб-страницу|страницу веб-сайта} и {пока|пока|пока|пока здесь}? Я {удивлен|удивлен} {исследованием|анализом}, который вы провели, чтобы {создать|сделать} {это реально|это конкретное} {опубликовать|отправить|опубликовать|выставить} {невероятно|невероятно|экстраординарно}. {Отлично|Замечательно|Фантастически|Великолепно|Отлично} {задача|процесс|деятельность|работа}!| Привет {Я|Я} здесь {первый|первый} раз. Я наткнулся на этот форум и {нашёл|нашёл|нашёл} его {действительно|действительно} {полезно|полезно}, и он мне {много|много} помог. {Я надеюсь|я надеюсь|я надеюсь} {дать|предложить|предоставить|подарить} {что-то|одну вещь} {обратно|снова} и {помочь|помочь} другим {таким, как вы|таким, как вы} {помогал|помог} я.| {Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Привет|Хорошего дня|Привет}! {Я просто|я просто} {хотелось бы|хотеть|желать} {дать вам|предложить вам} {огромные|большие} поздравления {для|для вашего} {супер|отлично} {информация|информация} {у вас| у вас есть|у вас есть} {здесь|здесь} в этом посте. {Я буду|Я буду|Я буду} {возвращаюсь|возвращаюсь к} {вашему блогу|вашему сайту|вашему веб-сайту|вашему веб-сайту}, чтобы узнать больше в ближайшее время.| Раньше я {всегда|все время|каждый раз} {читал|изучал} {статью|опубликовал|сочинение|абзац} в газетах, но теперь, когда я являюсь пользователем {интернета |сети|сети} {так| поэтому|поэтому} с этого момента я использую сеть для {статей|сообщений|статей или обзоров|контента}, благодаря Интернету. | Ваш {способ|метод|средство|способ} {описания|объяснения|рассказывания} {всего|всего|всего} в этой {статье|сообщении|кусочке статьи|абзаце} {действительно|на самом деле|на самом деле| действительно|искренне} {приятно|приятно|хорошо|утомительно}, {все|каждый} {может|уметь|уметь} {легко|без труда|без усилий|просто} {понимать|знать|сознавать это}, большое спасибо.| {Привет|Привет}, {я нашел|я обнаружил} ваш {блог|веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт} {посредством|через|используя|посредством} Google {одновременно с |в то время как |хотя| в то время как} {ищет|ищет} {предмет|предмет|связанный похожий|сравнимый|связанный, ваш {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт} {прибыл сюда|пришел}, это {кажется| кажется|кажется|кажется|кажется как} {хорошо|отлично}. {Я|Я} добавил его в свои закладки Google. {Привет|Привет}, {просто|просто} {преобразовался в|стал|был|стал|изменился в} {узнав о|предупреждении} вашего {блога|веблога} {через|через|через} Google, {и нашел|и расположен}, что {это|оно} {действительно|действительно} информативно. {Я|Я} {собираюсь|собираюсь} {внимание|будьте осторожны} в Брюссель. {Я буду|я буду} {признателен|буду благодарен} {если вы|должны вы|когда вы|на случай, если вы|на случай, если вы|для тех, кто|если вам удастся} {продолжить|продолжить} это {в будущем}. {Многие|Многие|Многие|Многие} {другие люди|люди|другие люди|люди} {будут|будут|могли бы быть|вероятно будут|может быть|вероятно} получили пользу {от вашего| вашего} письма. Молодец!| {Мне|мне} интересно, с каким блогом {системой|платформой} {вы были|вы|вы} {работаете|используете|используете}? Я {испытываю|у меня} несколько {проблем|{незначительных|небольших} проблем с безопасностью моего последнего {сайта|веб-сайта|блога}, и {мне бы|я бы хотел} найти что-нибудь более {безопасное| без риска|с резервной копией|безопасно}. Есть ли у вас {решения|предложения|рекомендации}?| {Я|Я} {чрезвычайно|действительно} впечатлен вашими навыками письма, {а также|а также} макетом вашего {блога|веблога}. Это платная тема или вы {настроили|редактировали} ее самостоятельно? {В любом случае|В любом случае} продолжайте писать {хорошее|отличное} качество, {это|редко можно увидеть {хороший|отличный} блог, подобный этому {в эти дни|в эти дни|сегодня}. | {Я|я} {чрезвычайно|действительно} {вдохновлен|впечатлен} {вашими|вашими|вашими} писательскими {талантами|навыками|способностями} {и|как {умно|хорошо|правильно} как} с {макет|формат|структура} {для вашего|в вашем|в вашем|в вашем} {блоге|веб-журнале}. {Это|Это} платная {тема|тема|тема|тема} или вы {настроили|изменили} ее {сам|сам}? {Что бы то ни было} {оставаться|продолжать} {красивое|отличное} {качество|высокое качество} написание, {это|это} {редко|редко} {смотреть|видеть|смотреть} {приятно |потрясающе} {блог|веблог} вот так {в эти дни|в эти дни|сегодня}..| {Привет|Привет}, Интересная статья. {Есть|Существует} {проблема|проблема} {с вашим|с вашим|с вашим} {сайтом|веб-сайтом|веб-сайтом} в {интернете|веб} проводнике, {может|могло бы| могло бы|было бы} {проверить|проверить} это? IE {все еще|тем не менее} является {рынком|рынком} {лидером|лидером} и {большим|хорошим|большим|огромным} {частью|секции|компонента к|части|компонента| элемента} {другие люди|люди|другие люди|люди} {пропустят|пропустят|пропустят|пропустят} вашу {великую|замечательную|фантастическую|великолепную|отличную}напишут {из-за|из-за} этой проблемы.| {Я|я не уверен, откуда {вы|вы} получаете свою {информацию|информацию}, но {хорошая|отличная} тема. Мне нужно потратить время на изучение {больше|гораздо большего} или лучшего понимания. Спасибо за {отличную|замечательную|фантастическую|великолепную|отличную} {информацию|информацию}. Я искал эту {информацию|информацию} для своей миссии.| {Привет|Привет}, кажется, я видел, как вы посещали мой {блог|веблог|веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт} {так|так} Я пришел, чтобы «отплатить тем же». {Я|я} {пытаюсь|пытаюсь} найти вещи, которые можно {улучшить|улучшить} мой {веб-сайт|сайт|веб-сайт}! Я думаю, можно использовать {некоторые|несколько} ваших идей!!| {Привет|Привет}, {Я думаю|Я чувствую|Я верю} Я {видел|заметил}, что вы посетили мой {блог|веблог|веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт} {так|так} Я {пришел сюда|пришел}, чтобы {вернуть|вернуть} {предпочитаю|выбираю|благосклонность|хочу|желаю}?. {Я|Я} {пытаюсь|пытаюсь} {найти|найти|найти} {вещи| проблемы}, чтобы {улучшить|улучшить} мой {веб-сайт|сайт|веб-сайт}!{Думаю|Думаю|Думаю} это {достаточно хорошо|хорошо|адекватно} {чтобы использовать|использовать} {некоторые |некоторые из} ваших {идей|концепций|идей }!!| {Привет|Привет}, только что узнал о вашем блоге через Google и обнаружил, что {он|он} {действительно|действительно} информативен. {Я|я буду} {буду|буду} быть осторожен в Брюсселе. {Я буду|я буду} {признателен|буду благодарен}, если вы продолжите это {в будущем}. {Многим|Многим|Многим|Многим} людям будет полезно ваше письмо. Молодец!| {Я|Я} {сейчас нет|нет|больше} {конечно|положительно|определенно} {где|место} {вы|вы находитесь} получите свою {информацию|информацию}, {однако|но} {хорошая|отличная} тема. Я {должен|должен} потратить {некоторое время|немного времени} {учиться|учиться|открыть} {больше|намного больше} или {работать|понимать|понимать} больше. {Спасибо|Спасибо} за {замечательную|замечательную|фантастическую|великолепную|отличную} {информацию|информацию} {Я был|Я был} {искал|ищу|ищу|ищу} эту {информацию|информацию} для моей миссии.| {Привет|Привет}, мой {член семьи|любимый|друг}! Я {хочу|хочу} сказать, что эта {статья|пост} {потрясающе|потрясающе}, {супер|приятно} написана и {содержит|включает} {почти|приблизительно} всю {важную|значительную|жизненно важную} информацию. {Я бы|мне бы хотелось} {смотреть|посмотреть|посмотреть} {больше|дополнительных} постов, подобных этому.| {привет|привет}!,{Мне нравится|мне очень нравится|мне нравится} ваше письмо {так сильно|очень} {так сильно|много|много}! {процент|пропорция|доля} мы {поддерживаем связь|переписываемся|общаемся|будем на связи} {подробнее|дополнительно} {о|о} вашем {посте|статье} на AOL? Мне {нужен|требуется} {эксперт|специалист} {в этом|на этом} {пространстве|площади|доме} {чтобы решить|распутать|решить} мою проблему. {Может быть|Может быть} {это|это} ты! {Посмотреть|Поиск|Посмотреть} {вперед|вперед} {чтобы посмотреть|увидеть|наблюдать} за вами. |{Мне|мне нравится} действительно {люблю|наслаждаюсь} темой/дизайном вашего {сайта|веблога|веб-сайта|веб-сайта|блога}. Сталкивались ли вы когда-нибудь с {проблемами|проблемами} совместимости с {веб-браузером|Интернет-браузером|браузером}? {число|горстка|пара|небольшое количество|несколько} моего блога {аудитория|посетители|читатели} пожаловались, что мой {блог|веб-сайт|сайт} не {работает|не работает} корректно в проводнике, но отлично смотрится в {Safari|Chrome|Opera|Firefox}. Есть ли у вас какие-либо {решения|идеи|советы|хитрости|предложения|рекомендации}, которые помогут нам решить эту {проблему|проблему}?| {Хорошо|Отлично|Очень хорошо} {информация|информация}. Мне повезло {я нашел|я обнаружил|я наткнулся|я наткнулся|я недавно нашел} {ваш сайт|ваш сайт|ваш блог} {случайно|случайно} (споткнулся). {У меня|у меня есть} {в закладках|сохранено|книга в закладках|в закладках|сохранено как избранное} на будущее!| Это {потрясающе|огромно|впечатляюще|замечательно|фантастически}, что вы получаете {идеи|мысли} из этой {статьи|поста|куска статьи|абзаца}, а также из нашего {обсуждения|аргумента|диалога} {здесь|в этом месте|в это время}.| Если вы {хотите|желаете|желаете|хотели бы} {увеличивать|улучшать|развивать} свой {опыт|знания|знания|ноу-хау} {просто|просто|просто} продолжайте посещать этот{веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт| веб-страницу} и будьте в курсе {последних|новейших|новейших|самых актуальных|самых горячих} {новостей|информации|сплетен|обновлений новостей}, опубликованных здесь. | Что происходит|происходит|спускаюсь} {Я|я} новичок в этом, я наткнулся на это {я|я} {нашёл|обнаружил} Это {положительно|абсолютно} {полезно|полезно}, и это мне очень помогло. {Я надеюсь|Я надеюсь|Я надеюсь} {внести вклад|внести свой вклад} и {помощь|помощь|помощь} {другим|разным} {пользователям|клиентам}, поскольку это {помогло|помогло} мне. {Хорошо|Отлично} работа.| {Ух ты|Ура}, это то, что я {искал|искал|искал|исследовал}, какой {материал|информация|данные|материал}! {присутствует|существует} здесь, в этом {блоге|веблог|веб-страница|веб-сайт|веб-сайт}, спасибо администратору этого {веб-сайта|веб-сайта|сайта|веб-страницы}. | Если вы {хотите|желаете|желаете|хотели бы} {взять|получить|получить} {много|много|много} этой {статьи|поста|куска статьи|абзаца}, тогда вы должны применить {такой| эти} {стратегии |методы|методы} для вашего {блога|веблога|веб-страницы|веб-сайта|веб-сайта выиграли.| Это {потрясающе|замечательно|удивительно} {статья|пост|сочинение|абзац} {для|предназначено для|в пользу|в поддержку} всех {интернета|сети|онлайн} {пользователей| людей|зрителей| посетители}; я уверен, они {извлекут|получат|получат} {выгоду|преимущество} от этого.| {Я|я} {прочитал|выучил} {несколько|несколько|несколько} {просто|хороших|отличных} вещей здесь. {Конечно|Конечно} {стоимость|значение|цена} закладка для повторного посещения. Я {удивлен|удивлен}, как {много|много|много} {попытка|усилие} {вы вкладываете|вы устанавливаете|вы помещаете}, чтобы {создать|сделать} {этот тип|такого рода|такого рода| такой|один из этих|такой|такой} {супер|замечательный|фантастический|великолепный|отличный} {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт} информативный.| {Это|Это} {очень хороший|отличный|хороший|очень хороший} совет {особенно|особенно} для тех, {новичков|новичков} в блогосфере. {Кратко|Коротко|Просто}, но очень {точно|точно} {информация|информация}… {Спасибо за|Спасибо за|Большое спасибо за|Ценю, что вы поделились этим. Обязательно прочтите {статью|пост}!| {Я|я} искал {немного|немного|немного} {высококачественные|высококачественные} статьи или статьи в {блоге|веблоге} {в этом|об этом} {вид |что-то вроде} {пространство|площадь|дом}. Изучая Yahoo, я {наконец|наконец|наконец|наконец} наткнулся на этот {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт}. {Прочитать|Изучить} эту {информацию|информацию} Итак, {Я|Я} {удовлетворен|счастлив|приятен} {выразить|показать|разоблачить|донести}, что {у меня|у меня есть} {очень| невероятно} {просто|хорошо|отлично} странное чувство, что я {обнаружил|прибыл|обнаружил} {точно|просто} то, что мне было нужно. Я {так|многие|большинство} {без сомнения|без сомнения|без сомнения|наверняка|конечно|конечно|определенно|бесспорно|бесспорно|бесспорно} буду следить за тем, чтобы {определённо|уверен} {не| делать не} {выйти из головы|забыть|не помнить|пренебрегать|игнорировать|пропустить} этот {сайт|веб-сайт|веб-сайт} {и дать ему|и предоставить его} {взглянуть|взглянуть} {на {константу|последовательность|неумолимый} базис|регулярно}.| Прочитав это {я подумал, что|я подумал, что это} {очень|действительно|чрезвычайно|скорее} {информативно|поучительно}. Я ценю, что вы {потратили время|нашли время|потратили время} {и усилия|и энергию} на составление {этой статьи|этой короткой статьи|этой информативной статьи|этой информации|этого содержания}. И снова я обнаружил, что трачу {слишком много|много времени|много} времени и на чтение, и на {комментирование|оставление комментариев|публикацию комментариев}. Ну и что, оно того стоило!| Качество {статей|сообщений|статей или обзоров|контента} является {ключевым|секретным|важным|основным|решающим} для {привлечения|быть в центре внимания|приглашения|интереса} {пользователей|людей|зрителей |посетителей} {посетить|пойти посмотреть|посетить|быстро посетить} {веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт|веб-страница}, это то, что этот {веб-сайт|веб-сайт|сайт|страница} предлагает Интернет}. | Обмен ссылками – это не что иное, {но|кроме|однако} это {только|просто|просто} размещение другой ссылки {блог|веблог|веб-страница|веб-сайт|веб-сайт} человека на вашей странице в {подходящем|подходящем|подходящем} место, и другой человек также сделает {то же самое|похожее} {для|в пользу|в поддержку} вас.|Я прочитал так много {статей|сообщений|статей или обзоров|контента} {касательно|касательно|о |на тему} любителей блоггеров {но|за исключением|однако} эта {статья|пост|сочинение|абзац} {действительно|на самом деле|на самом деле|действительно|искренне} {приятно|приятно|хорошо|утомительно} {статья|пост|сочинение|абзац}, так держать. |{Действительно|На самом деле|На самом деле|Действительно|Искренне} {не имеет значения, если|когда} кто-то не {понимает|знает|знает об этом} {то|после этого|после} это зависит от других {пользователей| люди|зрители |посетители}, которым они собираются {помогать|содействовать}, так вот это {происходит|происходит|происходит}.| Вы {можете|могли бы} {конечно|определенно} увидеть свой {энтузиазм|экспертизу|навыки} {в|в} {статье|работе}, которую вы пишете. {Арена|Мир|Индустрия} надеется на {больше|еще ​​больше} страстных писателей, {таких как вы|нравитесь вы}, которые {не|не боятся {упоминать|говорить} о том, во что они верят. {Всегда|Все время|Всегда} {следуйте|следуйте} своему сердцу.| {Отлично|Отлично|Хорошо|Очень хорошо} {пост|статья}. {Я|я есть|я буду} {сталкиваюсь|сталкиваюсь|переживаю|переживаю} {некоторые из этих|некоторые из этих|многие из этих} проблем также.. | {Отлично|Отлично|Хорошо} {блог|веб-сайт|сайт} {у вас|у вас есть|у вас есть} здесь.. {Трудно найти|трудно найти} {качество|высокое качество|хорошее качество| высокое качество|отличное} письмо, как ваше {в эти дни|в эти дни}. {Я правда|правда|я серьёзно|я честно ценю} {таких людей, как вы|таких людей, как вы}! Берегите себя!!| Мой двоюродный брат {рекомендовал|предложил} мне этот {блог|веб-сайт|веб-сайт}. {Я|Я не уверен, что этот пост написан им, поскольку {никто|никто} больше не знает так подробно о моей {проблеме|трудности|проблеме}. {Вы|Вы} {удивительно|замечательно|невероятно}! Спасибо!| {Отлично|Отлично|Замечательно|Хорошо|Очень хорошо} {статья|пост}! {Мы будем|Мы} ссылаемся {на это|на это особенно} отличную {статью|публикацию|контент} на {нашем сайте|нашем веб-сайте}. Продолжайте писать {хорошее|великое}. | Боже мой! Статья {Удивительно|Удивительно|Потрясающе|Потрясающе} чувак! {Спасибо|Спасибо|Большое спасибо|Большое спасибо}, Однако я {испытываю|сталкиваюсь|переживаю|имею} {проблемы с|трудности с|проблемы с|проблемы с} вашим RSS. Я не {знаю|понимаю} {почему|причину, почему} {я не могу|не могу|не могу} {подписаться|присоединиться}. Есть ли {кто-нибудь ещё|кто-нибудь ещё|кто-нибудь} {получающий|имеющий} {то же самое|те же|похожие} RSS {проблемы|проблемы}? {Любой|Любой|Любой} знает {решение|ответ} {вы|можете ли вы} любезно ответить? {Спасибо|Спасибо}!!| {Очень хороший|Удивительный|Потрясающий|Превосходный|Замечательный|Фантастический|Отличный|Отличный} блог! Есть ли у вас {рекомендации|советы|советы и подсказки|полезные советы|предложения|советы} для начинающих писателей? Я {планирую|надеюсь} вскоре создать свой собственный {сайт|сайт|блог}, но я немного растерян. Могли бы вы {предложить|посоветовать|

  15. ° por allí that way Dice que vayamos por allí. For them 30 is not far too aged. So I have on a regular basis been bodily threatened when seeking to stroll on general public sidewalks, have experienced rocks, tomatoes and apples thrown at me by youngsters, have a 3/4″ diameter rifle bullet hole by means of one of my home windows that you could stick your thumb by, and significantly even worse behaviors by the Thornton Police and the Thornton municipal staff members. The Thornton Police have even STALKED me into other towns (2006), to then phone in cel-telephone statements of crimes there that they allegedly eyewitnessed, to attempt to get me arrested by other city Police Departments! In a single situation, an Officer of Homewood harassed me for far more than 20 minutes concerning an alleged crime concerning “playing cards”. I had just come out of a Home Depot retailer where by I experienced attempted to come across a piece of rain gutter pipe I desired, and he accosted me in the parking ton. I kept inquiring him what varieties of cards, as he seemed to slur the relaxation of the sentence each and every time. The closest I at any time comprehended that it may possibly have been Baseball Cards. But when I recurring that I did not HAVE any Baseball Cards, I had Never sold any Baseball Cards, and I asked if it was illegal to have or sell Baseball Cards, he would usually ignore me. That Officer was incredibly horrible and aggressive toward me, and he saved threatening to “acquire me in to the Station”. I now just about wish he experienced! I afterwards figured out that his abusive actions was fully thanks to a cel cellphone simply call that their Department experienced acquired. Question: Would an Officer pick out to be that abusive if YOU had known as in a complaint to their Department? No. It was ONLY since they have been advised in that mobile phone simply call that the caller was “with a different Police Department”, and experienced supposedly witnessed me doing some crime. If a Citizen would connect with in this sort of a assert, any Department would right away notice this was basically a person person’s view in opposition to another, and with no other alleged eyewitnesses, it could conveniently have been someone only contacting in thanks to an argument or a grudge. When the Chief of Police of Homewood profusely apologized to me on the telephone soon later on, I asked to have the Caller ID range of the cellular phone that had named in the tried untrue arrest on me. He checked but identified that it experienced come from a cel-telephone, and he then described a little something that I experienced not identified. Few Police Departments have the unique and expensive products to be capable to either detect or track down any cel-telephones! People IN Police Departments realized that, so it was of course a wonderful way to connect with in such a phony arrest attempt with out getting capable to be identified. I then questioned the Chief of Police of Homewood to get a duplicate of the recording of the call. He shocked me in telling me that they did not have any this sort of recording of the call. So, as issues had been stated to me, the Homewood Police Department been given a call from a cel-phone, which they could consequently not determine or observe, and promptly an Officer was seriously harassing me for about twenty minutes in a Home Depot parking good deal, when no document of the simply call experienced at any time been created. What would they have accomplished if they had taken me in to their Office? No Officer had been included, no recording of the accusation, no id of the caller (allegedly), and no evidence or precise witnesses to anything at all existed! And he meant to acquire me in and arrest me based on that??? IF they had taken me in to their Office to possibly arrest me, there was NO doubt that I would immediately afterward have termed each Chicago newspaper and Tv station to have Reporters appear to study of the top quality of that complete procedure! But it was clear that the Chief of Police experienced picked out not to convey to me that they Thought the caller was “with a different Police Department”, which then points out all the details, which include the aggressiveness of the Officer harassing me. The level in this article is that the Thornton Police had created up lies and accusations versus me in September 2002, and in this article once more in October 2006. There is a sample. There have been Many other incidents of their harassment of me. It actually is Twilight Zone things, hundreds and hundreds of examples around the 7 many years (so much). Even my Bank seemed surprised that the Thornton employees have been checking both equally of my Checking Account balances Every Single Day in the course of 2006. And a cell phone enterprise servicing personnel (2008) considered I had been the a single to location an electronic listening checking system inside the phone company’s box outdoors my house. The record goes on and on and on. But the truly vicious issues did not appear to be to definitely start off until January 2006, when they may have invented fully new Felonies to execute against me. But because America has a Federal Law that no one is at any time authorized to Sue any Municipal govt or any Police Department, they have generally acknowledged that there was never a point I could ever do about any of it, even when I inevitably uncovered about items that they experienced genuinely hidden nicely. Remembering that I was nevertheless not living in Thornton but sixty miles away in a distinctive State, and that I by no means even designed the ninety moment push just about every way apart from to mow the lawn when it was needed, it really would seem inconceivable that the Police could have dreamed up any motive whatsoever to drag youngsters out of a faculty day to Interrogate them about a highly revered Christian Minister. An significant actuality to observe is that at NO Point had I Ever even experienced a single dialogue with any Thornton Police Officer or any Village workforce! More than that, I come about to be an incredibly quiet and nice Christian Pastor, and I hardly ever have had any severe text to any one even when I have talked to them, and so there is no conceivable rationale why Anyone in Thornton could have experienced any bring about to start out or maintain their campaign of destroying my vocation as a Minister, my individual reputation, and sooner or later, the rest of my existence as perfectly. Doesn’t it feel essential that I would have experienced to have offended another person at some level in my existence? Or at the very least TALKED to an individual wherever they could have MISUNDERSTOOD some remark? It is even additional amazing that individuals Police Officers resolved to INVENT LIES about me, to consider to get all those young children to concur with individuals lies of the Police, the place they undoubtedly desired to send out me to Prison! An outstanding query is, WHY? I would imagine that the meant Civil Rights in America are not meant to make it possible for Anyone to be falsely accused of just about anything. But seemingly, the reality that the Police never even talked to me about anything at all, and certainly did not Directly accuse me of any crime, probably in their plan of issues, they imagine they are allowed to make up the worst possible statements of crimes and then freely and continuously Spread THEIR Own LIES to wipe out me! America, you say? In any case, the Police resolved to make up the most horrendous crimes attainable regarding an adult gentleman. Even 3 several years afterwards, the then 15-yr-previous boy was terrified of me. That was immensely peculiar, because Everyone experienced previously identified me as the most light and thoughtful of folks! He stood driving his little sister even individuals three a long time afterwards, out of terror about me! It took him a pair times to finally repeat what the Police experienced instructed him, and it was a (fairly descriptive) declare that I supposedly experienced performed terrible sexual factors to quite a few little boys! They evidently simply required the little one to agree with their horrific allegations, and I almost certainly would nonetheless be in Prison today if the boy or girl experienced gotten confused and agreed with them. In truth, even when he first recurring these matters to me three years afterwards, all three of the siblings, in unison, loudly stated that the Police would in no way lie to any individual. What the Police say is Supposed to be correct. Apparently, there are exceptions. (The Police Officers obviously showed substantial ignorance about me! In a amount of Sunday Sermons in prior many years, I had targeted on the Commandment regarding these behaviors, and all attendees to our Church had NO doubt that I have constantly deemed homosexual activities to be the two disgusting and immoral and also in complete violation of that Commandment. I have individually under no circumstances found how ANY Church could condone even adult homosexuality. If any Police ended up going to make up lies in hoping to manufacture claims that I experienced previously performed anything incorrect, they almost certainly really should have discovered that a lot about me the place these types of a declare is so certainly absurd. However, when only unfold as a vicious RUMOR to the residents of Thornton, these kinds of allegations turned out to in no way even be doubted or questioned. If the Police say it, it Must be true! Right?) Even later on but, in 2007, Five many years following these Interrogations about me, the girl of the siblings transpired to point out to me just one day that she was definitely upset that the Officers experienced retained asking her, in September 2002, “dozens of periods”, whether or not I wore pants or shorts when I was pulling weeds in my property! What an astoundingly weird concern to talk to a 9-yr-aged female! And about and over, dozens of moments. It was only a few months right after she experienced stated this that it eventually dawned on me that in 2002, I was not even dwelling in Thornton, and I ONLY drove over for the short time to mow the lawn and pull some weeds. HOW COULD ANY Police OFFICER EVEN KNOW TO Ask Such A PECULIAR Question? Even if there had been any rationale for substantial surveillance of me (a tranquil Christian Minister), there was no possible way that they could at any time even know WHEN I would drive more than to mow the lawn, and just an hour or two afterwards, I experienced generally driven again. I actually do not see how Anyone could have even BEEN Aware that I had briefly been in the Village, considerably considerably less any Police Officers, much fewer more than enough to conceivably have accomplished sufficient surveillance of me to see that I frequently wore shorts on summer working day when pulling weeds in my personal lawn! How could they have acknowledged to check with this kind of a bizarre dilemma? And since they requested her over and more than, dozens of periods, they obviously felt that was a essential problem! Why? Ever due to the fact noticing this in the summertime of 2007, I have questioned how quite a few Police Officers in the complete United States and in its overall heritage, have ever even after requested any boy or girl thoughts about no matter whether another person function pants or shorts when pulling weeds in his individual garden. I am really assured that no Officer has ever viewed bring about to ever talk to these a strange question just before or given that! This incident about the Thornton Police producing up horrendous lies to quickly stop my occupation as a Minister, and concurrently, my reputation as a good and type man or woman, has two extra areas. (1) In my endeavours at making an attempt to come across any County or State or Federal Authority that could possibly have Jurisdiction over the Village of Thornton (the solution, absolutely continuously, is that there is no a single who has these types of Authority! The Village is seemingly functionally a Kingdom where by the governing administration and Police are absolutely totally free to do everything they want), I occurred to get in touch with a quite nice FBI Agent (T.S.) from the Chicago Office. She informed me that the FBI was understaffed and swamped with get the job done and that she would not be able to assistance me. However, immediately immediately after our cell phone call, she resolved to make a get in touch with to the Thornton Chief of Police (a man named Philip Arnold) to inquire him about my problem. Just months earlier, Chief Arnold had publicly mentioned that he loved getting Chief of Police of Thornton, and he intended to keep on being Chief right up until he would retire decades later. The Village citizens also appeared to adore Chief Arnold, as he experienced been Chief for various several years previously. But evidently, the phone from the FBI Agent got his notice! The FBI Agent termed me back soon and knowledgeable me that there Had BEEN AN INVESTIGATION OF ME, but that it experienced been closed. (Personally, I would want to know WHY there was these an investigation, simply because there was only just one attainable reason, that being the horrific lies that his Police Officers experienced built up to convey to to individuals very little youngsters.) In any circumstance, it seems particular that Chief Philip Arnold was strongly impacted by getting that phone from the FBI Agent! Less than a Week soon after receiving that connect with, he submitted his Resignation, and within just a 2nd 7 days, he experienced listed AND Sold his dwelling in Thornton (which had to be report time!) and moved away to a desired destination which no a person appreciates! And he did NOT Resign in purchase to get a improved work, as the Mayor’s Newsletter a few weeks later on designed apparent that he Resigned to turn into unemployed, and as the Mayor expressed self esteem that Philip Arnold would not just take extended before getting a further task. There appears to be no doubt at all to me that Chief Arnold appeared at the documents of the Interrogations that HIS Officers experienced accomplished in 2002, and that they experienced undoubtedly committed Felonies in completely destroying my track record and my profession, and that as Chief, he was liable for his Officers. I believe that he realized that he could incredibly conveniently have been arrested by the FBI relating to what his Officers experienced carried out in destroying me. There is just about every sign that Chief Philip Arnold selected to close his have occupation and upcoming to very abruptly run absent to hide, when he recognized that the FBI may be about to arrest him for the horrible items his Officers had accomplished in destroying me so entirely. (2) The 2nd other factor of the Police lies about me have been even significantly extra insidious. That Police Report of people Interrogations was typed up by the quite exact same portion-time Secretary who labored for equally the Mayor and the Police Department, a woman named Karen Leoni. Having typed it up, she then had a document (which she had created) which had the Police Department letterhead as effectively as the horrific lies that the Police experienced produced up and informed to all those kids that day in September 2002. She and other people in the Village governing administration and in the Police Department have picked out to on a regular basis and regularly use and exhibit that doc AS Though IT WAS True, to incredibly large numbers of folks. If someone showed up at YOUR dwelling, and introduced that she was “with the Police Department” and then she explained to you all those very same lies (which even the Chief of Police had admitted to the FBI agent ended up not correct) and even showed you a Police Letterhead doc (which she happened to sort up, but which had the Chief of Police’s name and title displayed) which repeated the most horrendous of lies about even a Minister, would YOU have any doubt? How about if she recurring such visits pretty regularly more than months and years. Remember, ” the Police would under no circumstances lie”, ideal? Would YOU imagine this girl who created hundreds of unsolicited visits to every neighbor family in the Village, or would you believe someone who is exceptionally tranquil? Someone who could not even have acknowledged that he Needed to protect himself, considering that he had by no means been inside of ANY Police Station in his existence and experienced in no way done anything at all even worse than a number of Parking Tickets and a pair minor speeding tickets in his youth? Right! And certainly just about every neighbor, and each and every particular person in the Village of Thornton was conditioned to believe these exact same lies about me, as they had been advised and shown them so a lot of repeated moments. The neighbors are now conditioned to imagine those factors for the relaxation of their life, and it would no longer even matter if the President of the United States came by to be a character witness for me! When minds get established, they are Set completely, and precise facts are irrelevant. THIS is the basis for the next large variety of hundreds of incidents of harassment which the Thornton Village govt and the Thornton Police have completed to me at any time due to the fact. The incidents nevertheless come about in 2009, seven a long time just after this all apparently started. But given that NO individual in Thornton has said even a one word to me considering the fact that January 18, 2006, it is all done and repeated driving my back again as it had been. I could not even test to deny nearly anything since no a person has in fact ever accused me of anything at all (instantly). It has been a outstanding strategy of performing such large harm to civil rights without having any doable way of at any time staying of accused of obtaining accomplished something incorrect! There had been some early repercussions of their actions that I did not realize till considerably afterwards. For example, all through January 2004, the Balmoral Horse Racing Track was particularly enthusiastic about giving me with several discarded wheels from the Sulky cars, from their scrap heap, for which they would obtain in return a big sum of free publicity through Parades in a lot of towns on several Holidays. But incredibly out of the blue, they unquestionably lost all interest in even chatting on the cellphone to me! It built definitely no perception at all! The girl, their Marketing Director, had been unbelievably enthusiastic generally before, which includes the pretty day just before. After numerous inquiries, she at last said that she would not do business enterprise with any other criminals both! And given that that created absolutely no feeling to me, I retained asking a lot more. She finally mentioned that considering the fact that our ask for experienced occur from our Christian Church, she experienced called the Municipal Office of Thornton to verify that our Church was there. (Our Church was actually based mostly in Indiana, sixty miles away and was Registered in Indiana). However, she was told by a female in the Thornton Village Office that I was personally the most vile of criminals as about small kids. Apparently, the girl in the Thornton Village Office had been even far more specific than that but she was not keen to repeat the wording to me. Obviously, she thought what she had been instructed, and she seemingly assumed that I understood what the topic was given that she assumed that I was guilty of anything she experienced been informed. It was a 12 months and a 50 percent later on right before I lastly acquired any clue as to what she experienced even been talking about. In late September 2003, a great Trustee of the Village drove down to discuss to me in my garden, a Tanko Volek. Among other points, he mentioned that the identical section-time Village Secretary, Karen Leoni, experienced submitted 43 different Complaints towards me in just the time period among April 1 and late September 2003. This was incredible information to me as I experienced in no way received any recognize of any Complaint towards me, then or at any other time in my life! The course of action was curious. Karen Leoni would submit the Complaint to Karen Leoni (herself) and she would then type up just about every of the Official Documents versus me. Apparently, each was then heard by the Village Board. Since I hardly ever heard of any of this taking place, except for Trustee Volek’s description, I have no way of even realizing that any of that ever even happened. But the Village citizens seemingly always realized what the Village Board discussed, and due to the fact they mentioned quite a few various Official Complaints in opposition to me every single Meeting, clearly the Village residents arrived to believe that I will have to be a seriously terrible individual, one for which people previously Police lies were being for that reason extremely credible. It has generally appeared intriguing to check out to picture WHAT 43 diverse Official Complaints versus me in around 24 weeks could maybe have been, primarily considering that absolutely none of them ever were being brought to my interest or that I was at any time asked about any these things. In the months immediately after that, Leoni ongoing to aspiration up and File Official Complaints against me (with herself), and it is really hard to consider what the total range of Official Complaints in opposition to an incredibly silent Christian Pastor could have totaled. Or what they have been all supposedly about! On April 1, 2003, in the course of a match of horseshoes in my lawn with three male neighbors, a white Thorne Concrete truck drove up alongside facet me. I walked about, and the guy within did not say a word but he handed me a BLANK crimson Cease and Desist Order, which did not have any of the information and facts strains of it loaded in. We questioned if we were staying Ordered to quit enjoying horseshoes! We also puzzled if someone was pulling an April Fool’s Joke on me. But it inevitably turned out that the gentleman in the truck was Karen Leoni’s spouse, and I was becoming ordered to quit trying to swap around a dozen roof shingles on the garage that I had been wanting to fix. A number of days later, I acquired an Official Notice of Violation and a Demand that I appear into the Village Office to attain a Building Permit. I truly had no idea that a Building Permit was necessary to simply just change a handful of roof shingles. But the assembly with the self-proclaimed (element-time) Building Commissioner, the only time in my lifestyle that I had at any time even fulfilled or talked with him, was pretty an practical experience. In that quite first conversation ever, exactly where I was there to ask for a Building Permit, he (Harry Nolan) insulted me a number of instances and insinuated awful things about me. It was peculiar to listen to him admit that he experienced hardly ever even ever found my household (a little bit above a person block away) but he even now educated me that he meant to file papers to have it Condemned in 90 times and then Demolished shortly right after. This was in a dialogue where I was seeking to get a Building Permit! He also experienced a gleeful smile as he bragged about all the other residences and buildings in Thornton which he experienced previously had Condemned and Demolished. He even pushed a paper toward me that he needed me to indicator, where he instructed me that he could get me a Grant if I signed that paper. It turned out that paper would have been an authorization to allow for him to Demolish the residence promptly, and it was no Grant at all, but instead basically a delay in me currently being charged for the Demolition till I would some day offer the property! In that quite temporary solitary discussion, he also educated me that if I ought to at any time consider about selecting up possibly a hammer or a shovel, I had to get his personalized authorization before using it! Not negative for not even getting ever Seen my residence, which took place to be structurally just one of the most sound in the complete Village! The First time that it was very clear that I would not be ready to end him from Condemning and Demolishing my household, in June 2003, a connect with to the Mayor resulted in becoming told that the Mayor would concur with totally any conclusions that Nolan would make. I even frequented the Historical Society, and due to the fact I experienced completely conceded that I could not potentially preserve my dwelling, I offered to GIVE the house to the Historical Society, since it experienced initially been crafted in 1856 as a 1-area schoolhouse, on fifty percent a block of property, which was even now the kind that my father experienced bought in 1946, but they did not think me and consequently did not want the dwelling. The Second time that Nolan told me that he was going to Condemn and Demolish my residence, Nolan experienced despatched me a letter that allegedly defined why, these types of as that “a lot less than 1/4 of the roof had been changed” and “none of the home windows had been re-painted.” That note verified once more that Nolan had continue to hardly ever even witnessed my household, as I had previously painted forty six out of the 48 home windows and frames of the alternatively massive home, and around 80% of the roof experienced presently been replaced. I termed ALL the Trustees to come out and depend the home windows and to see the roof, so that when Nolan would have the property demolished, I desired them to be able to be witnesses in some kind of lawsuit. They evidently stopped him from Condemning the home that time. The Third time that Nolan told me that he was likely to Condemn my property was a few months later. I experienced all over again understood that there was no feasible way that I could help you save my dwelling, so I came up with a various method. Noting that I Still had no clue regarding the Actual items the Village experienced been performing to me (which I would not even start out to understand for another two yrs), I nevertheless experienced gathered ample proof just with regards to my residence for the duration of 2003 that I needed a Judge to see it. So the day prior to Nolan was to surface just before a Judge to get the Condemnation Order, I insisted on recognizing the actual time and place of that Hearing, as I advised the Village that I insisted on currently being there AND presenting my proof to the Judge. I imagined the Judge would be interested to discover that Nolan had Three Times tried out to Condemn and Demolish my household with out ever getting even Seen it, and all the rest. The Village did not carry on when they recognized that I would be in Court in front of the Judge. In later on a long time, I realized of significantly a lot more horrible factors that Thornton had been doing to me, which experienced already been going on in 2003 but that I was then certainly unaware of. There have been Many other weird events which occurred in 2002, 2003, 2004 and early 2005, but I had not still realized the central specifics in this whole bizarre scenario. So I Knew that my cell phone experienced extensive been tapped and my Internet mail read (both directions) and I had even confirmed that my postal mail was approximately usually examine (by sending myself some letters where I intentionally put the letter inside of the envelope upside down, but located them arrive appropriate-aspect up, AND with FINGERPRINTS on the paper, the place I experienced diligently utilised brand name new paper for the letters! I did not then nonetheless know that they had been checking my bank accounts, or right interfering with probable organization transactions. I did not then know that there was an electronic unit checking my phone services, and I then imagined they experienced put listening bugs in my home when they would choose to enter it when they understood I was not all around. And on and on and on. The electronic device in the telephone business box stated a lot of points which I could not earlier figure out! For instance, when there had been at times a 7 days or two when I was not even all around, then acquiring stayed in the Indiana household for people durations, I could hardly ever figure out how it was that quite a few countless numbers of pornographic photos would be in the laptop when I would return. How could that occur? Who could do it? It turned out that they could somehow get my personal computer to switch on and then down load all those people terrible visuals which the Village experienced place into that digital unit, so they all just appeared inside of my computer system. I pretty a lot understood WHAT they were accomplishing, but had no plan HOW they had been executing it, until finally the presence of that digital system arrived to gentle in early 2008. It also described why the neighbor throughout the road experienced witnessed Karen Leoni walk down to the exact location on the sidewalk, in excess of seven hundred times, adjacent to my house to just stand there for all-around 10 minutes, each next working day for around 4 many years. When he informed me about it, we just imagined that she was staring at my residence, but it was incredibly peculiar because she would even stand there in driving rainstorms and below zero chilly temperature and in snowstorms. It turned out that the spot on the sidewalk exactly where she would constantly stand for people ten minutes was the closest to the place the digital telephone device was, and she apparently had to obtain no matter what information it experienced gathered in the preceding two times. Apparently, the storage ability of the gadget was only about two times of my e-mail furthermore whatever quantity of information she would be trying to set into my laptop or computer. There experienced been periods on some evenings when I had been applying the computer and it quickly acted surprisingly, indicating that some other user was utilizing it! That did NOT make sense till 2008 when I figured out about the electronic phone product, and then it all designed sense. Along with Leoni standing out in chilly wintertime temperature for ten minutes each individual 2nd day and all the relaxation, for a total of around seven-hundred distinctive periods above a number of several years! By the way, persons have generally requested me why I even now constantly use out of date technological know-how to interact with the Internet, Windows98 and a dial-up modem. The over really clarifies that! It turns out that all newer variations of Windows regulate to shop hidden copies of all documents they get the job done with, from time to time as many as ten distinctive sets of these types of concealed documents, in quite a few distinct destinations in the pc. It is not very clear no matter whether MicroSoft did that to lessen the destruction when their packages failed and acquired hacked (in which there may well continue to be at the very least One undamaged copy of files) or no matter if MicroSoft chose to include capabilities that undoubtedly help the govt do electronic surveillance on all the tens of millions of computers mechanically (which is undoubtedly legitimate, but never admitted). In any scenario, because every time I arrived to the residence in Thornton, there were generally hundreds of documents that I experienced to delete from the personal computer (which the Village experienced inserted into it). I had totally no desire in acquiring to try to delete ten unique copies of just about every of them, especially considering that some of individuals copies in newer Windows do not even enable staying deleted! And so Due TO THE VILLAGE OF THORNTON, I have experienced to use the obsolete know-how which I use. Yes, it is frustrating to have to have such gradual connections as dial-up, but that permits me to immediately detect when Thornton has began to use my personal computer (as the dial-up relationship velocity drops to about 1/4 as rapidly as typical when they are working with my pc, and then rises back up to the usual dial-up pace when they cease!). And the historical style and design of Windows98, like earlier versions of Windows, only kept 1 copy of each file to have to delete, which probably saved me as much time as the time I dropped in the sluggish dial-up connection! People have questioned for many years as to why I would be so aware of technological know-how but then use this kind of dinosaur computer system software program. This is the initially time I have ever even been able to make clear WHY that has been. And why it would without end proceed! I suppose these following goods could have no location in this, but they present a wry facet of this scenario right before I realized what was heading on! It comes about that my lawn is a lot greater than any other in the neighborhood, and it was easy to put in horseshoe stakes in late 2002, the place 3 male neighbors and I performed sneakers nearly each individual working day, even in Chicago winters. They each individual had kids and grandchildren who appeared fascinated at how a lot fun we experienced, so there received to be several young children viewing us participating in just about every afternoon. We grown ups would choose a split from time to time, and all the kids would come into my back again garden alongside with them. I before long installed an very tall (28 foot) swing for them, only allowable when we grown ups ended up there to make absolutely sure they were being safe. And, as an ex-Teacher, I swiftly started out a method that if a kid could “response a few concerns” he or she could get a can of soda pop. The queries soon turned the beloved portion for them. I would pick a typical topic for all of them but unique issues based on their age and ability. So there had been times when as several as forty young children ended up in my property viewing us participating in horseshoes, all patiently waiting until finally we were being ready to consider a split, when the entire herd would split for the yard. They had to connect with out figures to set up their turns on the swing, and any arguments often set the two at the conclude of the line. I desired them to find out to perform together and get together. They also knew that I only experienced around 4 rules, but they have been absolute. No hitting any other kid. No stating horrible factors to or about any other kid. No exhibiting off by allowing go of either hand on the swing. One of the kids was an very frustrating and abrasive crimson-headed female, Terri, who was born with one arm. She had generally gotten away with often setting all principles and no older people experienced ever tried using to control her, so she was just a terrible kid. In any circumstance, one particular day on her switch on the swing, she determined to clearly show off by permitting go of the rope (with her one hand). She evidently assumed that the adult, me, would permit her slide. I did not. In entrance of at minimum twenty five other kids, I stopped the swing and discussed that she experienced broken the rule about letting go. I questioned her what the rule was, and she understood that it was that one entire day of swing was to be missing. So she stood and viewed all her pals swinging absent, and was a extremely unhappy kid that working day, and element of the following until eventually her full working day handed. Neither she nor any other kid at any time broke that rule at any time once again. But much better than that, she did NOT have an grownup shouting at her or everything undesirable, but merely my calm affirmation of the rule. Virtually always in advance of, older people would shout at her and threaten her, but she realized they would hardly ever do something to her. On a distinct day, I overheard some young ones conversing about her only obtaining a person arm, and I decided to act. I requested all the young children out into a large aspect of the lawn, and commencing with just one of her cousins, I questioned her to get on her bicycle, stick just one hand entirely in her pocket, and commence out to trip throughout the property. She quickly fell above, as did all the many others who tried using it. I pointed out that using with a single arm is harder than it seems! I also instructed that they ask Terri to train them how to (start out out) experience with 1 hand in their pocket. She understood that I had made her a movie star that day, and appreciated it. She and the other young ones realized that I was stringent regarding my policies but really fair. In those people early years, the Librarians normally instructed me they dreaded it when Terri would come into the Library, as she was so demanding and self-centered. I told them that I would check out to make improvements to that. By a pair a long time afterwards, the Librarians started out BRAGGING about what a superb child Terri now was, but they constantly would chuckle about what a monster she utilized to be. They seemed to credit history me for that enhancement. Hard to say but I absolutely attempted. Two of the youngest children that would arrive to my lawn each individual working day would occur with Terri. They ended up Kearstin and Madison, twins that have been then in First Grade. I definitely believe that they may have been the most intelligent human beings I have at any time acknowledged! When I would do their questions, I would frequently question thoughts that necessary logic that a Fifth Grader may well have difficulty with, but they normally did high-quality. Their household was somewhat poor, and that winter, the twins were really unfortunate because their mom could not afford to keep paying for their ice skating lessons, and so I assisted Santa Claus that Christmas in putting up the $100 that was necessary. Also at that similar Christmas, once again knowing the fiscal problem of their household, I bought them a virtually new computer as a Christmas current, total with their initials on it! (Unfortunately, Thornton then afraid their relatives so substantially that the girls never even saw their laptop or computer, despite the fact that other children performed some games on it. Because I was so overcome by how excellent each individual of them ended up, I also promised the twins, when in First Grade, that I would totally shell out for both equally their College educations! Such very little young ones could not understand how uncommon that give was, but it was definitely authentic. I basically was rather sure that each of them would probably get scholarships, but I was well prepared to set up the needed $50,000 or extra if it was desired. They have been twins, but remarkably diverse from each individual other. Madison was unbelievably competitive and would hold repeating hoping anything new, primarily athletics, hundreds of situations. Kearstin was significantly superior in math and science, but she was not pretty competitive at all, and was frequently discouraged in that her sister’s hand usually shot up in school to remedy just about every question, even though Kearstin also realized all the solutions. When I acquired that Terri’s mother and step-father had not experienced adequate revenue for a honeymoon, I provided to give $400 for a limo, a wonderful cafe, and it’s possible a exhibit in downtown Chicago. They thanked me but requested if they could trade it in for NASCAR, and I wound up giving them that $400 for actually superior tickets to a NASCAR race alternatively. Not precisely what I experienced in brain with regards to a honeymoon, but oh effectively. One of the other horseshoe gamers could not shell out their house Mortgage one thirty day period, and I gave $400 to continue to keep them from dropping their property. I place up $400 for an unique racing bicycle that a unique child insisted he required. Toward attempting to hold all the youngsters entertained when we performed horseshoes, I created a Cinderella Carriage (for the girls only) and two child-run military tanks with tracks (for the boys). The Carriage represented the require for the (scrap) spoked wheels from the Balmoral horserace observe in January 2004 which represented my first clue of weird goings on by Thornton. I later gave close to $4,000 to a private superior school for a woman, and would have ongoing to pay for the rest of her significant college (all-around $20,000 a lot more) and then likely College. She afterwards informed me that she desired to go to the public high school in its place, and so I stopped paying for the college that she no for a longer period desired. When a neighborhood boy informed me a single day that it had been defined to him why he usually had trouble answering thoughts, I was infuriated at listening to what he claimed. He informed me that anyone was offered a Gift from God, and that his Gift was that he was Retarded! My head practically exploded at listening to that! First, to accuse God of deliberately possessing accomplished something like that is one thing, but then to explain to a 12-calendar year-old boy these types of a factor effectively tells him that there is no place of even striving. He informed me this on the very past working day I noticed him prior to the Police did their Interrogation circus, so I under no circumstances saw him once more for just about three a long time. But I contracted with a close by Sylvan Learning Center to give them $5,000 (at $30/hour) to assist him create some self-self esteem (assuming that he could get the two miles from his house to the Sylvan retail store). But considering that I experienced no way to connect to him of this, and Sylvan felt they could not tell that relatives about this gift, it never ever transpired. I need to have to notice in this article that in the initially few times these young ones experienced come by to stop by, they had explained how their father experienced been put in jail for ten several years (and was still there) and their mother was place in a diverse prison for 5 a long time for completely unique crimes. They effectively grew up devoid of any grownups about them, and it was awesome that they ended up as moderately-very well-altered as they had been. In any circumstance, my gifts of Sylvan (and other points, like a afterwards condominium at the time he was 18 and married) for him and the Private High School for her, were attempts to present them that they DID ought to have very good things, that they Were worthwhile people today. Beginning in June 2000, I started to provide to purchase groceries to some folks (close to a complete of 210 up to now) the place all over 195 have so considerably authorized me to do that. I have carried out the same with regards to sandwiches in Subway (about two hundred moments so far, with approximately every human being agreeing. And the moment an provide to pay for gasoline, and a few dozen instances concerning other suppliers. The only stage of these references here is in circumstance a reader may well have assumed that Thornton should be proper and that I will have to be a monster. Just the title Christian Pastor should really say adequate, but probably these illustrations could counsel that I am and normally have been a fairly great particular person! Well, there is just one other simple fact. These many dozens of children, who seemed to every day search forward to coming to my garden (and I by no means INVITED any of them) all spectacularly adjusted their habits toward me almost on the identical working day of January 18, 2006. I am not ready to believe that any of the young ones completely reversed their attitudes towards me, since THEY realized what sort of a person I was, even even though none of them experienced been told that I was a Church Minister. But the new added aggressiveness of Thornton in generating confident that all the persons in Thornton feared and hated me also had the impact that every dad or mum promptly forbade their youngsters from coming to my property, but also even at any time smiling at me or waving to me or ever expressing everything to me! So as of January 18, 2006, it was not just the grownups who would under no circumstances acknowledge my existence, but ALL individuals kids who had so lately been having fun with enjoying in my garden as while it was a town park! And this Included the loved ones where I experienced provided $400 for the honeymoon and the household in which I had provided $400 to pay their Mortgage, and all the several other families who experienced regarded me everyday for several a long time. It is actually incredible what vicious folks can do when they set their minds to it, even turning extensive-time friends against a person one more. It was all pretty disappointing to see people who employed to ship an extra part of spaghetti over to my house now forgot decades of background to imagine the similar lies which ended up however being recurring daily right after a long time of falsity. Human nature is really one thing to behold. All that made me have a deeper being familiar with of what Jesus’ disappointment need to have been when all the Jews turned on Him and insisted that He be Crucified. Apparently, factors may not genuinely improve that a lot! But I discover it immensely disgusting that the Village of Thornton significantly broken all individuals children in the approach of their sickness. Those young children all Knew that I was a reasonable, straightforward, truthful and good man or woman. But Thornton wrecked their sights of proper and improper, excellent and undesirable, by necessitating all of them to take into account me to be evil, just due to the fact they nonetheless insist on attempting to help the horrible lies that the Thornton Police manufactured up about me in September 2002. How will any of those young ones at any time be confident of their individual conclusions of suitable and completely wrong as they increase up? For many many years, lots of parents had essentially been sending their youngsters to participate in alongside one another in my property as though it was a metropolis park and that I was a free of charge daycare or cost-free babysitter, exactly where the young ones were being clearly to belief me and my judgment, and then essentially right away, each of those children have been informed and confident by their parents that I was the most evil human being on Earth! It would seem to me that a lot of of these little ones will some working day involve expert Therapy as a result of this insanity that Thornton chose to do to them. How can that be observed as nearly anything but disgusting? Between May 15, 2005 and January 18, 2006. This commences when a few little young children 1st educated me of the Thornton Police Officers building up lies about me to them for the duration of their interrogations in early September, 2002 via the time when I tried to get State or County or Federal Authorities to support me management the behavior of the Thornton Police and the Thornton Village personnel. At this stage, the begin of May 2005, I continue to did not know about ANY of the real factors the Village of Thornton experienced been carrying out to me, other than little bits and parts, like their entering my locked home as they wished, the peculiar behaviors relating to my residence, and the Racetrack scrap wheels. It was all relatively discouraging, not being aware of WHY the hundreds of neighbors plainly appeared to dislike me, an in any other case extremely common Christian Minister, and the decades of that harassment was including up on me. I experienced specified up in April 2005 and conceded that they won, and I packed up most of my things and had moved out to southern Utah, expecting to stay in a extremely modest city named Junction from then on. But PRIOR to leaving, I had a determination to just take care of. Three years before, I experienced proven a Contract with two of individuals little children. If the 9-yr-aged woman, Jeanna, would not smoke a single cigarette by her 15th birthday, I would give her $100. If she would not drink a single beer or other alcohol, a further $100. And if she would not try any medicines, a 3rd $100. I created the same Contract with a person of her brothers. Since I understood that six several years is just about infinity for tiny youngsters, I also advised them that if they created it 50 percent way, 3 decades to her 12th birthday (in July 2005), each of those provisions would indicate an more $20. Well, I experienced under no circumstances noticed possibly of them through all those many years but I was absolutely sure that she would uphold her element of the Contract, which meant that she deserved to get a overall of $60 in July 2005. Somehow, I had read that her brother experienced smoked some cigarettes, so I assumed that he deserved to obtain $40 on that very same working day. But I would have moved away to Utah just before then. So I questioned a neighbor child, Terri, to get two sealed envelopes to faculty to hand to the woman, all-around May 1, 2005, just before I was to without end go away, to get the $60 and $40 funds partial payments to them. (I later discovered that their mom took both of those amounts and expended it for herself, and the young children in no way acquired to commit any of it!) I assumed that I would figure out some later way to get the larger sized payments to them a few several years afterwards. I was essentially rather relieved to last but not least be without end rid of Thornton, Illinois! However, within just two times of being in the Junction, Utah place, my car or truck, an outdated 1985 Corvette, showed proof of really major transmission issues. I learned that the Nearest Chevy dealers were being in Salt Lake City (200 miles north) and Flagstaff, Arizona (200 miles south), and that even all those sellers did not have any specialists who knew much about more mature Corvettes. Both of all those Dealers also defined that they no longer had any Service Manuals for older Corvettes and did not have any parts for them! So even if I could get the car or truck the 4 hour generate to both Chevy dealership, it did not seem to be very promising that they had considerably prospect of correcting the motor vehicle. I transpired to have left an certainly similar 1985 Corvette in the garage in Thornton, and it transpired to me that the finest out there selection may well be to consider to get the automobile again at least portion way to Thornton, and then have it towed the rest of the way, so I could then consider the superior transmission out and place in the auto I was driving. I drove bit by bit and meticulously to try to get it to go as much as feasible before total failure, and it turned out that it produced it all the way back. All that was an astounding sequence of occasions, which got me back again into a Village which I had vowed to never return to once again! But I have later questioned if the Lord wanted me to be back again in Thornton, for a explanation. The pretty next working day right after I received back again, two of those kids knocked on my door. They could not possibly have even considered I would ever return, and I would not have except for the significant automobile issues. But they were being standing outside the house my doorway, equally shaking. The female, Jeanna, needed to thank me for the cash of the Contract (even nevertheless she in no way received to devote any of it, her mother did.) That was evidently the single cause why they were being there, following my not acquiring viewed any of them for nearly three several years. I questioned in which her more mature brother was, and she explained to me he was way too fearful of me to appear pay a visit to. It also turned out that their mom had not even allow him know that the $40 had even come for him, simply just using it for herself, so he had no cause to need to have to thank me in any case. I laughed when she stated that he was as well terrified of me! She would not clarify. A working day or two later, the two young children knocked on my door once again, and she inevitably told me that her older brother (then 15) was hiding close to the corner. I am not positive I have at any time observed any human shake as a great deal as he was doing from worry, and it was someway because of to me! When he arrived close to the corner, he stayed back behind his minimal brother and sister, nevertheless shaking violently. I kept insisting on figuring out why he was so terrified of me, and it was distinct the other children had been also very scared of me, all of them standing back about ten feet away from me. He eventually explained that the Police had informed him that they had absolute evidence of numerous awful points I experienced done to little boys! That was immensely puzzling to me! Since I experienced Never, Never, Never finished any awful things to any small boys, or any women, or even any older people, I had no thought what he was speaking about. I 1st assumed that he was someway referring to “beating up” tiny boys, which I thought was both a disgusting assumed and also a little something I would by no means conceivably do. So I think I responded by some question about whether he considered I was going to punch him or something. They all appeared at me like I was an fool! Then he Started to describe Exactly the graphic issues that the Police experienced advised him about 3 several years before, apart from when he commenced to get to actually graphic elements, he looked at his small sister and stopped. But I experienced gotten the photograph of what they experienced been informed by the Police. They had every single seemingly been explained to somewhat different lies that the Thornton Police had produced up in September 2002. Apparently, the Police had created up all those lies to consider to get the younger young ones to say anything at all incriminating versus me that might be comparable. Many many years previously, I had noticed three diverse PBS Frontline systems about a Daycare in Edenton, North Carolina (setting up 1989). Someone experienced a minimal argument with the proprietor of the Daycare, and made the decision to contact Police to report (alleged) sexual abuse of a quite youthful little one. The Police went berserk, and so did the local community, and pretty soon, the Police ended up interrogating dozens of a few and 4 year aged small children regarding attainable sexual abuse. They by no means kept any data of people interrogations and even later on ruined most of their data about the whole matter. But Frontline and State investigators afterwards uncovered that NONE of the youngsters to begin with experienced any knowledge of anything at all sexual, but immediately after currently being each day interrogated for months by one distinct intense (untrained) girl, they each individual began discovering what they were being supposed to say. That woman effectively TAUGHT these minor kids both of those sex and aberrant sexual intercourse, with very little dolls, about and around and in excess of. The PBS Frontline packages are terrifying to look at, in viewing how the absolutely harmless operator of the Daycare, as very well as most of the workforce, had been finally billed, arrested and put in prison. Seven people today were being arrested and billed with in excess of four hundred counts of heinous sexual abuse of 29 small children. NONE OF THEM had been even remotely real! The accused used as quite a few as various years in prison, but it was later on established that the Police had gone berserk in getting alleged evidence! The Police experienced used a one (untrained) investigator (Toppin) to interrogate AND Coach the very youthful little ones, and she experienced kept asking the youngsters the quite very same inquiries over and above and in excess of. When she did not get the responses she required to listen to, she began SUGGESTING, COACHING strategies to the modest little ones, which quite a few of them then adopted following she experienced repeated her thoughts quite a few times. That female experienced Decided what the Facts were being, and she persisted for months in repeating her lies to the small children until finally they were repeating specifically what she was telling them! The Edenton circus acquired worse and even worse as a lot more mothers and fathers began believing the lies their kids experienced been qualified to repeat, and the full local community shortly insisted that all the allegations have been genuine. NONE of them had been! When Those young children had been First questioned by the Police or their dad and mom, each single one of them mentioned that NO abuse had took place. It was only following numerous months of consistent repetition by the older people affiliated with the Police, that some and then all of them begun repeating individuals descriptions. There were NO other witnesses to the conversations that the female (mentor) had with all those small children, and no videotapes and no transcripts at any time existed. The Trials of the accused have been remarkable! Twelve of the 29 youngsters ended up picked to be witnesses. The female who had interrogated / coached the small children was never ever on the witness stand! NO true reference to any eyewitness evidence was at any time introduced, but it was essentially a Kangaroo Court, where all of the accused had been simply just ASSUMED to be absolutely guilty! The operator of the day-treatment was located guilty of 99 indictments and he was sentenced to twelve consecutive lifestyle phrases in jail! Around five decades afterwards, an Appellate Court overturned all of the convictions, following some of them had been in prison for 5 years, but the Prosecutors nonetheless did not give up. They then (1996) declared that they had been indicting the Day-Care proprietor on Different charges, which once more would have resulted in numerous everyday living-sentences if convicted. This all sounded terrifyingly identical to what the Thornton Police Department was hoping to do to me! These children were being telling me, in May 2005, almost the exact same kinds of matter that was completed to them in September 2002 by the Thornton Police, that Police had performed in Edenton, NC. The scariest component for me is that I Knew about the Daycare operator getting CONVICTED OF ninety nine crimes and Sentenced to twelve consecutive life sentences! Even although fundamentally everyone realized that he was totally innocent. As the youngsters were telling me these issues in May 2005, I understood that if ANY of them had gotten puzzled in the course of the Interrogations, to at any time seem to concur with the lies the Police have been telling them, I would instantly have been hauled absent to Prison, in which I would very likely nevertheless be these days. I was immensely thankful that all those youngsters did not get baffled that working day in September 2002! But these matters individuals children had been telling me in May, 2005, ended up completely out-of-the-blue to me. Since no Police Officer had ever even talked to me, about anything, I experienced in no way had the slightest clue that any such insinuations could have been started out or that they had been unfold throughout the Village, or that they have been actively repeated BY the Thornton Police and by the Thornton government staff members virtually each day for the years because. Now, with this new information from all those youngsters, Many issues begun slipping into location. I then Realized why the adult men have been prepared to conquer me to a pulp on the general public sidewalk many years previously. I Realized why definitely no just one ever talked to me, just after early September 2002. I Realized why there was a 3/4″ diameter rifle bullet hole in my window.

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